# Smflib

Simple Elixir library for working with SMF(v2.0.15) forum:
- create a new topic with new initial message
- add message to particular topic
- lock and move the topic to archive branch of forum

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `smflib` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:smflib, "~> 0.1.0"}

## Examples

###Add new forum topic with message
Smflib.authorize(url, user, password)
  |>, subject, message)

###Update the topic with an additional message
Smflib.authorize(url, user, password)
  |> Smflib.Post.update(board_id, subject, add_message)

###Lock and move topic to archive
Smflib.authorize(url, user, password)
  |> Smflib.Post.archive(board_id, subject, add_message)

###Full example
SMF requires to make a delay between forum posting actions. Function sleep_between_actions is realized this requirements.

Smflib.authorize(url, user, password)
  |>, subject, message)
  |> sleep_between_actions
  |> Smflib.Post.update(add_message)
  |> sleep_between_actions
  |> Smflib.Post.archive(archive_id)