# SmokeTest

A configurable Plug middleware to quickly find errors that might prevent a
deployment. It can also be used as an application health-check.

## Usage

SmokeTest can be easily configured for Plug or Phoenix servers. The only options
you need to provide is the OTP application that contains your smoketest

### Plug

For pure Plug applications, simply use `Plug.Router.forward/2` on the path you'd
like to use for smoke-testing.

``` elixir
defmodule ExamplePlugWeb.Router do
  use Plug.Router

  forward "/ping", to: SmokeTest, init_opts: [otp_app: :example])

### Phoenix

For Phoenix applications, adding SmokeTest to your router is also a one-liner.
You can pass Smoketest into
choosing whatever route you prefer for smoke testing.

``` elixir
defmodule ExamplePhoenixWeb.Router do
  use ExampleWeb, :router

  forward "/ping", SmokeTest, [otp_app: :example]


### Registering Tests

Tests are added as part of your mix configuration. Configuration expects an a
map with the following properties:

* `id` the id of the test.
* `test` either a three item tuple of `{ Module, :fun, [args]}` or an anonymous
* `timeout` (optional) the amount of time (in ms) the test has to complete.
  Defaults to 1000.

Each test should return a two-item tuple of `{:ok, term}` or `{:error, reason}`.
Items that don't fulfill this spec are marked as a failure.

``` elixir
config :example, SmokeTest,
  tests: [
    # Test "db" calls a Module.function(args), with a timeout of 5000 ms
    %{ id: "db", test: {Module, :function, [args]}, timeout: 5000} ,

    # Test "cluster" calls an anonymous function, with a timeout of 1500ms
    %{ id: "cluster", test: fn -> :net_adm.names() end, timeout: 1500 },

    # Test "other" calls another  module, and uses the default timeout of 1000
    %{ id: "other", test: {Other.Module, :function, [args]} },

### Additional Configuration

#### Response Status

The status to return on success and failure is also configurable. Success
defaults to 200, and failure defaults to 503

``` elixir
config :example, Smoketest,
  success_status: 201,
  failure_status: 500

#### Json Encoder

A json encoder is required to diplay output. A `Poison` adapter is provided by
default, and need not be configured if present in your deps. See
`SmokeTest.Adapters.JSONEncoder.Poison` for more information.

To explicitly configure your own adapter, add the following to your `SmokeTest`

``` elixir
config :example, SmokeTest,
  json_encoder: SmokeTest.Adapters.JSONEncoder.Poison # Again, used by default.

## Example JSON Output

Here's a quick example output of a failed smoketest.

``` json
      "id": "cluster"
      "result": "No response",
      "timeout": 15000
        "result":"Argument Error"

And a successful one

``` json

## Encoders

The `Poison` JSON encoder is included with this module. If present, the module
will automatically include the adapter for you. See
`SmokeTest.Adapters.JSONEncoder` and `SmokeTest.Adapters.JSONEncoder.Poison` for
more details.

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `smoke_test` to your list of dependencies
in `mix.exs`:

``` elixir
def deps do
    {:smoke_test, "~> 0.1.0"}

Documentation can be found at