# Smokkfiskur

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Smokkfiskur is a small library for colored (ANSI) output in Erlang. It's can be useful when you need to create a command-line applications.

### Usage
Just use the following format {color, "Text"}
smokkfiskur:print({red, "Colored text"}).
### Example
-import(smokkfiskur, [print/1]).

update_something() ->
  %% ...
  %% ...
  %% ...
  print({green, "Something has been updated successfully!"}).
-import(smokkfiskur, [print/1]).

%% Text
print({red,    "Text"}).
print({black,  "Text"}).
print({green,  "Text"}).
print({orange, "Text"}).
print({blue,   "Text"}).
print({purple, "Text"}).
print({yellow, "Text"}).
print({cyan,   "Text"}).
print({gray,   "Text"}).

%% Background

background({red,    "Text"}).
background({black,  "Text"}).
background({green,  "Text"}).
background({yellow, "Text"}).
background({blue,   "Text"}).
background({purple, "Text"}).
background({cyan,   "Text"}).
background({red,    "Text"}).
