
defmodule SMPPEX.Pdu.Errors do
  @moduledoc """
  Module for operating with SMPP errors.

  errors = [
    {:ROK, 0x0000, "No Error"},
    {:RINVMSGLEN, 0x0001, "Message Length is invalid"},
    {:RINVCMDLEN, 0x0002, "Command Length is invalid"},
    {:RINVCMDID, 0x0003, "Invalid Command ID"},
    {:RINVBNDSTS, 0x0004, "Incorrect BIND Status for given command"},
    {:RALYBND, 0x0005, "ESME Already in Bound State"},
    {:RINVPRTFLG, 0x0006, "Invalid Priority Flag"},
    {:RINVREGDLVFLG, 0x0007, "Invalid Registered Delivery Flag"},
    {:RSYSERR, 0x0008, "System Error"},
    {:RINVSRCADR, 0x000A, "Invalid Source Address"},
    {:RINVDSTADR, 0x000B, "Invalid Dest Addr"},
    {:RINVMSGID, 0x000C, "Message ID is invalid"},
    {:RBINDFAIL, 0x000D, "Bind Failed"},
    {:RINVPASWD, 0x000E, "Invalid Password"},
    {:RINVSYSID, 0x000F, "Invalid System ID"},
    {:RCANCELFAIL, 0x0011, "Cancel SM Failed"},
    {:RREPLACEFAIL, 0x0013, "Replace SM Failed"},
    {:RMSGQFUL, 0x0014, "Message Queue Full"},
    {:RINVSERTYP, 0x0015, "Invalid Service Type"},
    {:RINVNUMDESTS, 0x0033, "Invalid destinations number"},
    {:RINVDLNAME, 0x0034, "Invalid Distribution List name"},
    {:RINVDESTFLAG, 0x0040, "Invalid Destination flag (submit_multi)"},
    {:RINVSUBREP, 0x0042, "Invalid submit with replace"},
    {:RINVESMCLASS, 0x0043, "Invalid esm_class field data"},
    {:RCNTSUBDL, 0x0044, "Cannot Submit to Distribution List"},
    {:RSUBMITFAIL, 0x0045, "submit_sm or submit_multi failed"},
    {:RINVSRCTON, 0x0048, "Invalid Source address TON"},
    {:RINVSRCNPI, 0x0049, "Invalid Source address NPI"},
    {:RINVDSTTON, 0x0050, "Invalid Destination addr TON"},
    {:RINVDSTNPI, 0x0051, "Invalid Destination addr NPI"},
    {:RINVSYSTYP, 0x0053, "Invalid system_type field"},
    {:RINVREPFLAG, 0x0054, "Invalid replace_if_present Flag"},
    {:RINVNUMMSGS, 0x0055, "Invalid number of messages"},
    {:RTHROTTLED, 0x0058, "Throttling error (ESME has exceeded allowed msg limits)"},
    {:RINVSCHED, 0x0061, "Invalid Scheduled Delivery Time"},
    {:RINVEXPIRY, 0x0062, "Invalid message validity period (Expiry time)"},
    {:RINVDFTMSGID, 0x0063, "Predefined Message Invalid or Not Found"},
    {:RX_T_APPN, 0x0064, "ESME Receiver Temporary App Err"},
    {:RX_P_APPN, 0x0065, "ESME Receiver Permanent App Err"},
    {:RX_R_APPN, 0x0066, "ESME Receiver Reject Message"},
    {:RQUERYFAIL, 0x0067, "query_sm request failed"},
    {:RINVTLVSTREAM, 0x00C0, "Error in the optional part of the PDU Body"},
    {:RTLVNOTALLWD, 0x00C1, "TLV not allowed"},
    {:RINVTLVLEN, 0x00C2, "Invalid Parameter Length"},
    {:RMISSINGTLV, 0x00C3, "Expected TLV missing"},
    {:RINVTLVVAL, 0x00C4, "Invalid TLV Value"},
    {:RDELIVERYFAILURE, 0x00FE, "Transaction Delivery Failure"},
    {:RUNKNOWNERR, 0x00FF, "Unknown Error"},
    {:RSERTYPUNAUTH, 0x0100, "ESME Not authorised to use specified service_type"},
    {:RPROHIBITED, 0x0101, "ESME Prohibited from using specified operation"},
    {:RSERTYPUNAVAIL, 0x0102, "Specified service_type is unavailable"},
    {:RSERTYPDENIED, 0x0103, "Specified service_type denied"},
    {:RINVDCS, 0x0104, "Invalid Data Coding Scheme"},
    {:RINVSRCADDRSUBUNIT, 0x0105, "Source Address Sub unit is invalid"},
    {:RINVDSTADDRSUBUNIT, 0x0106, "Destination Address Sub unit is invalid"},
    {:RINVBCASTFREQINT, 0x0107, "Broadcast Frequency Interval is invalid"},
    {:RINVBCASTALIAS_NAME, 0x0108, "Invalid Broadcast Alias Name"},
    {:RINVBCASTAREAFMT, 0x0109, "Invalid Broadcast Area Format"},
    {:RINVNUMBCAST_AREAS, 0x010A, "Number of Broadcast Areas is invalid"},
    {:RINVBCASTCNTTYPE, 0x010B, "Invalid Broadcast Content Type"},
    {:RINVBCASTMSGCLASS, 0x010C, "Broadcast Message Class is invalid"},
    {:RBCASTFAIL, 0x010D, "broadcast_sm operation failed"},
    {:RBCASTQUERYFAIL, 0x010E, "query_broadcast_sm failed"},
    {:RBCASTCANCELFAIL, 0x010F, "cancel_broadcast_sm failed"},
    {:RINVBCAST_REP, 0x0110, "Number of Repeated Broadcasts is invalid"},
    {:RINVBCASTSRVGRP, 0x0111, "Broadcast Service Group is invalid"},
    {:RINVBCASTCHANIND, 0x0112, "Broadcast Channel Indicator is invalid"},
    {:RDELIVERSMFAIL, 0x0601, "deliver_sm failed"}

  @type error_code :: integer
  @type error_name :: atom

  @spec code_by_name(error_name) :: error_code

  @doc """
  Converts atom representing SMPP error to its integer value.

  ## Example:

      iex(1)> SMPPEX.Pdu.Errors.code_by_name(:ROK)

  def code_by_name(name)

  @spec format(error_code) :: String.t()

  @doc """
  Converts integer SMPP error code to string error identifier.

  ## Example

      iex(1)> SMPPEX.Pdu.Errors.format(0)
      iex(2)> SMPPEX.Pdu.Errors.format(12345)

  def format(code)

  @spec description(error_code) :: String.t()

  @doc """
  Converts integer SMPP error code to text error description.

  ## Example

      iex(1)> SMPPEX.Pdu.Errors.description(0)
      "No Error"
      iex(2)> SMPPEX.Pdu.Errors.description(12345)

  def description(error_code)

  for {name, code, desc} <- errors do
    def code_by_name(unquote(name)), do: unquote(code)
    def format(unquote(code)), do: unquote(to_string(name))
    def description(unquote(code)), do: unquote(desc)

  def format(code) when is_integer(code), do: to_string(code)
  def description(code) when is_integer(code), do: to_string(code)