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  <img src="" alt="Snapex7 Logo" width="256" height="151" />

<div align="center">
  <img src="" alt="Valiot Logo" width="192" height="57" />
Snapex7 is an Elixir wrapper for the Snap7 library. Snap7 i san open source, 32/64 bit, multi-platform Ethernet communication suite for interfacing natively with Siemens S7 PLCs (See [Target Compatibility](#target-compatibility)).

 * Snapex7 is developer for snap7 1.4.2 and Elixir 1.8.1. It is tested on:
    * Ubuntu
    * MacOS
    * Nerves

  * **Note** Currently only the **Client implementation as synchronous** of Snap7 is available. Future implementations can be found in our [TODO](#todo) section.

## Content

  * [Installation](#installation)
  * [Target Compatibility](#target-compatibility)
  * [Using Snapex7](#using-snapex7)
    * [Connection functions](#connection-functions)
    * [Data IO functions](#data-io-functions)
    * [Error format](#error-format)
    * [Types](#types)
  * [Further Documentation and Examples](#further-documentation-and-examples)
  * [Contributing to this Repo](#contributing-to-this-repo)
  * [TODO](#todo)

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `snapex7` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:snapex7, "~> 0.1.2"}
Fetch the dependency by running `mix deps.get` in your terminal.

## Target Compatibility
Many hardware components equipped with an Ethernet port can communicate via the S7 protocol. 
Check compatibility with the component that you are using:
 *  **Snap7** full compatibility documentation can be found at pg.33 [Snap7-refman.pdf](

Here is a summary compatibility table from the documentation above:

<img src="" alt="Compatibility" />

## Using Snapex7

Start a `Snapex7.Client` and connect it to the PLC's IP, where:
  *  **port**: C port process
  *  **controlling_process**: where events get sent
  *  **queued_messages**: queued messages when in passive mode **(WIP)**.
  *  **ip**: the address of the server
  *  **rack**: the rack of the server.
  *  **slot**: the slot of the server.
  *  **is_active**: active or passive mode **(WIP)**.

iex> {:ok, pid} = Snapex7.Client.start_link()
iex> Snapex7.Client.connect_to(pid, ip: "", rack: 0, slot: 1)
### Connection functions
  * **Connect to a S7 server**.
  The following options are available:
    * `:active` - (`true` or `false`) specifies whether data is received as
       messages or by calling "Data I/O functions".
    * `:ip` - (string) PLC/Equipment IPV4 Address (e.g., "")
    * `:rack` - (int) PLC Rack number (0..7).
    * `:slot` - (int) PLC Slot number (1..31).

iex> :ok = Snapex7.Client.connect_to(pid, ip: "", rack: 0, slot: 1)

  * **Disconnects** gracefully the Client from the PLC.
iex> :ok = Snapex7.Client.disconnect(pid)

  * **Get connected** returns the connection status.
iex> {:ok, boolean} = Snapex7.Client.get_connected(pid)

### Data IO functions

  * **Reads a data area** from a PLC.
The following options are available:
    * `:area` - (atom) Area Identifier. See [@area_types](#types).
    * `:db_number` - (int) DataBase number, if `area: :DB` otherwise is ignored.
    * `:start` - (int) An offset to start.
    * `:amount` - (int) Amount of words to read/write.
    * `:word_len` - (atom) Word size See [@word_types](#types).

  iex> {:ok, resp_binary} =
            area: :DB,
            word_len: :byte,
            start: 2,
            amount: 4,
            db_number: 1

  * **Write a data area** from a PLC..
The same options of `Snapex.Client.read_area` are available here plus:
    * `:data` - (atom) buffer to write.

  iex> :ok =
            area: :DB,
            word_len: :byte,
            start: 2,
            amount: 4,
            db_number: 1,
            data: <<0x42, 0xCB, 0x00, 0x00>>
  * Lean functions of `Snapex.Client.read_area` and `Snapex.Client.write_area` for different types of ... are implemented:
    * `db_read` & `db_write`: for PLC Database.
    * `ab_read` & `ab_write`: for PLC process outputs.
    * `eb_read` & `eb_write`: for PLC process inputs.
    * `mb_read` & `mb_write`: for PLC merkers.
    * `tm_read` & `tm_write`: for PLC timers.
    * `ct_read` & `ct_write`: for PLC counters.

  * **Write and Read different kinds of variables** from a PLC in a single call. It can do so with it can read DB, inputs, outputs, Merkers, Timers and Counters.
  iex> data1 = %{
      area: :DB,
      word_len: :byte,
      db_number: 1,
      start: 2,
      amount: 4,
      data: <<0x42, 0xCB, 0x20, 0x10>>

  iex> data2 = %{
      area: :PA,
      word_len: :byte,
      db_number: 1,
      start: 0,
      amount: 1,
      data: <<0x0F>>
  iex> r_data1 = %{
      area: :DB,
      word_len: :byte,
      db_number: 1,
      start: 2,
      amount: 4

  iex> r_data2 = %{
      area: :PA,
      word_len: :byte,
      db_number: 1,
      start: 0,
      amount: 1

  iex> :ok = Snapex7.Client.write_multi_vars(pid, data: [data1, data2])
  iex> {:ok, [binary]} = Snapex7.Client.read_multi_vars(pid, data: [r_data1, r_data2])

### Error format
When a response returns an error, it will have the following format:
iex> {:error, %{eiso: nil, es7: nil, etcp: 113}}
  * **eiso**: returns an atom with the ISO TCP error.
  * **es7**: returns an atom with the S7 protocol error.
  * **etcp**: returns an int TCP error or nil (Depends on your OS). Example: see [TCP_error_info]( for Ubuntu OS.

See [Snap7-refman.pdf]( pg.252 for further error info.

### Types
Arguments definition for each particular memory block:

  @block_types [
    OB: 0x38,  # Organization block
    DB: 0x41,  # Data block
    SDB: 0x42, # System data block
    FC: 0x43,  # Function
    SFC: 0x44, # System function
    FB: 0x45,  # Functional block
    SFB: 0x46  # System functional block

  @connection_types [
    PG: 0x01,      # Programming console
    OP: 0x02,      # Siemens HMI panel
    S7_basic: 0x03 # Generic data transfer connection

  @area_types [
    PE: 0x81, # Process Inputs
    PA: 0x82, # Process Outputs
    MK: 0x83, # Merkers
    DB: 0x84, # DB
    CT: 0x1C, # Counters
    TM: 0x1D  # Timers

  @word_types [
    bit: 0x01,
    byte: 0x02,
    word: 0x04,
    d_word: 0x06,
    real: 0x08,
    counter: 0x1C,
    timer: 0x1D

## Further documentation and examples
Snapex7 has further client functions implementation which can be found at [Snapex7 Hexdocs](
  * Client function types in [Hexdocs](
    * Administrative
    * Data IO
    * Directory
    * Block oriented
    * Date/Time
    * System Info
    * PLC Control
    * Security
    * Low level
    * Miscellaneous

  * **Additional examples of usage** can be found in the testing section of the project 
    * **Note**: Tests where writen with a local preconfigured PLC.

  * **Snap7** source code and documentation can be found at [Snap7-refman.pdf](

## Contributing to this Repo
  * Fork our repository on github.
  * Fix or add what is needed.
  * Commit to your repository
  * Issue a github pullrequest.

If you wish to clone this Repo use:
git clone --recursive

## License

  * **Better handling c code**
  * **Server implementation**
  * **Partner implementation**
  * **Asynchronous Client implementation**