# Snowcone

Elixir API wrapper for the <a href="">Frost API</a>.

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `snowcone` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:snowcone, "~> 0.1.2"}

## Configuration

You'll need to configure your api token and the service url you would like to use.

# config/config.exs

use Mix.Config

config :snowcone,
  service_url: "",
  api_token: "your api token"

## Usage

The `Snowcone` modules allows you to interact Frost enpoints related to works.

- `get_works/0` - retrieves all works related to an account
- `get_work/1` - retrieves a single work related to an account
- `create_work/1` - create a work for an account


# Retrieve a list of all available works.

# ** {:ok, [%Frost.Work{...}]}

# Retrieve a work based on its id.

# ** {:ok, %Frost.Work{...}}

# Create a work.  Returns a map with the work id.

# ** {:ok, %{work_id: "work_id"}}

# Any API request that fails will return a tuple with the error message.

# ** {:error, "Work not found."}