# Sobelow

Sobelow is a security-focused static analysis tool for the 
Phoenix framework. For security researchers, it is a useful 
tool for getting a quick view of points-of-interest. For 
project maintainers, it can be used to prevent introducing a 
number of common vulnerabilities. 

Currently Sobelow detects some types of the following 
security issues: 

* Insecure configuration
* Cross-Site Scripting
* SQL injection
* Command injection
* Directory traversal
* Unsafe serialization

Potential vulnerabilities are flagged in different colors 
according to confidence in their insecurity. High confidence is 
red, medium confidence is yellow, and low confidence is green.

A finding is typically marked "low confidence" if it looks 
like a function could be used insecurely, but it cannot 
reliably be determined if the function accepts user-supplied 
input. That is to say, green findings are not secure, they 
just require greater manual validation.

**Note:** This project is in constant development, and 
additional vulnerabilities will be flagged as time goes on. 
If you encounter a bug, or would like to request additional 
features or security checks, please open an issue!

## Installation

To install Sobelow, you must have a working Elixir environment. 
Then, execute the following from the command line: 

    $ mix archive.install
## Use

The simplest way to scan a Phoenix project is to run the 
following from the project root:

    $ mix sobelow

## Options

  * `--root -r` - Specify application root directory
  * `--with-code -v` - Print vulnerable code snippets
  * `--ignore -i` - Ignore modules
  * `--details -d` - Get module details
  * `--all-details` - Get all module details
  * `--private` - Skip update checks
The `root` option takes a path argument:

    $ mix sobelow --root ../my_project

The `with-code` option takes no arguments:

    $ mix sobelow --with-code
The `ignore` option takes a comma-separated list of modules:

    $ mix sobelow -i XSS.Raw,Traversal
The `details` option takes a single module:

    $ mix sobelow -d Config.CSRF

## Modules
Findings categories are broken up into modules. These modules 
can then be used to either ignore classes of findings (via the 
`ignore` option) or to get vulnerability details (via the 
`details` option).
The following is the current list of supported modules:

* XSS.Raw
* XSS.SendResp
* SQL.Inject
* Config
* Config.CSRF
* Config.HTTPS
* Config.Secrets
* Traversal
* Traversal.SendFile
* Traversal.FileModule
* Misc
* Misc.BinToTerm
* CI
* CI.System
This list (and other helpful information), can also be found 
on the command line:

    $ mix help sobelow

## Updates
When scanning a project, Sobelow will occasionally check for 
updates, and will print an alert if a new version is available. 
Sobelow keeps track of the last update-check by creating a 
`.sobelow` file in the root of the scanned project.

If this functionality is not desired, the `--private` flag can 
be used with the scan.

    $ mix sobelow --private