# socketio_emitter

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`socketio_emitter` allows you to communicate with servers easily from Elixir processes.

## Installation

The package can be installed
by adding `socketio_emitter` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
  [{:socketio_emitter, "~> 0.1.0"}]

## How to use

Register `socketio_emitter` supervisor at your supervisor tree:

defmodule ExampleApp do
  use Application

  def start(_type, _args) do
    import Supervisor.Spec

    children = [
      # Add this line to your supervisor tree
      supervisor(SocketIOEmitter, []),

    opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: ExampleApp.Supervisor]
    Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)

Then call `SocketIOEmitter.emit/2`:

msg = %{:text => "hello"}

# sending to all clients
{:ok, _consumers_count} =  SocketIOEmitter.emit ["broadcast", msg]

# sending to all clients in 'game' room
{:ok, _consumers_count} =  SocketIOEmitter.emit ["new-game", msg],
  rooms: ["game"]
# sending to individual socketid (private message)
{:ok, _consumers_count} =  SocketIOEmitter.emit ["private", msg],
  rooms: [socket_id]
# sending to all clients in 'admin' namespace
{:ok, _consumers_count} =  SocketIOEmitter.emit ["namespace", msg],
  nsp: "/admin"
# sending to all clients in 'admin' namespace and in 'notifications' room
{:ok, _consumers_count} =  SocketIOEmitter.emit ["namespace", msg],
  nsp: "/admin",
  rooms: ["notifications"]

## Configuration

You can configure `socketio_emitter` from your `config.exs`, ex.:

use Mix.Config

config :socketio_emitter, :redix_config,
  # default value: localhost
  host: "", 
  # default value: 6379
  port: 5000,
  # 5 Redix processes will be available (default value: 1)
  pool_size: 5

Or passing by parameters directly to supervisor:

children = [
  # Add this line to your supervisor tree
  supervisor(SocketIOEmitter, [host: "", port: 9999, password: "secret"], [name: :socket_emitter])


- tests
- documentation

## License