# Soft Delete Module for Phoenix/Elixir Applications
#### What?
- Adds is_deleted (boolean), and deleted_at (timestamp) functioanlity in ecto (phoenix) tables/schemas.
- Provides functionality to get only non soft deleted entries from DB table.
- Provides functionality to (soft) delete a row in table.
#### How to install the dependency?
- (Pre-requisite) You should be using elixir and phoenix to make use of this module.
- Add the dependency in your application by adding the below line in `deps` method of your `mix.exs` file
`{:soft_delete_helper_module, "~> 0.0.1"}`
This will install the dependency in your project.
#### How to use this module?
- In Schema, modify the code accordingly
defmodule User do
use Ecto.Schema
import SoftDeleteHelperModule.Schema
schema "users" do
field :first_name, :string
- In the corresponding migration of the `user` schema, modify the code accordingly
defmodule MyApp.Repo.Migrations.CreateUser do
use Ecto.Migration
import SoftDeleteHelperModule.Migration
def change do
create table(:users) do
add :firt_name, :string
- After these changes, run the migration using `mix ecto.migrate`, this will create `users` table in your DB with columns `is_deleted` and `deleted_at`.
#### Additional Functions and how to use them -
- `with_non_soft_delete(query)`
This function returns an ecto query with a where clause of all non deleted entries in your table.
Pass an ecto query as parameter
#### Example -
query = from(u in "users", select: u.id)
This returns #Ecto.Query<from u in "users", select: u.id>
Now pass the above query to the function as follows -
soft_deleted_query = SoftDeleteHelperModule.Schema.with_non_soft_delete(query)
This returns #Ecto.Query<from u in "users", where: u.is_deleted == false, select: u.id>
When you try to get the rows using MyApp.Repo.all(soft_deleted_query), this will return
all the non deleted entries
- `delete_entity(struct)`
This function returns a changeset with the entity deleted.
#### Example -
Get the struct you want to delete as follows -
entity = MyRepo.Repo.get(MyRepo.User, 1)
pass this entity to delete_entity function as follows -
deleted_entity = SoftDeleteHelperModule.Schema.delete_entity(entity)
This will return a changeset with is_deleted set to true and deleted_at set to now time
Now update the deleted_entity using -
This will update the DB table with is_deleted set to true and deleted_at set to now time.
- Index on is_deleted column using `create_index_on_soft_delete`
This will create an index on is_deleted column of the table
#### Examples -
Your migration file should look like this -
defmodule MyApp.Repo.Migrations.CreateUser do
use Ecto.Migration
import SoftDeleteHelperModule.Migration
def change do
create table(:users) do
add :firt_name, :string
#### Hex package -