# Soroban.ex
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**Soroban.ex** is an open source library for Elixir to interact with the Soroban-RPC server, and facilitate the deployment and invocation of Soroban smart contracts.
> **Warning**
> Please note that Soroban is still under development, so breaking changes may occur.
## Installation
[**Available in Hex**][hex], add `soroban` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:soroban, "~> 0.14.0"}
## Documentation
Soroban.ex is made up of three components:
- [**`Types`**](#types): Soroban types that can be utilized as function arguments when invoking a smart contract.
- [**`RPC`**](#soroban-rpc-endpoints): Interface to interact with the Soroban-RPC server.
- [**`Contract`**](#deploy-and-invoke-soroban-smart-contracts): Deploy and invoke Soroban smart contracts with ease. No need to worry about transaction building.
### Types
The `Soroban.Types` context defines a comprehensive set of types that are crucial since they can be utilized as function arguments when invoking a smart contract.
The types provided by **Soroban.ex** aim to replicate the experience of working with types in smart contract development. They range from scalar types (such as Bool, Int32, etc.) to compound types (such as Map, Struct, Tuple, etc.).
#### Bool
#### Integers
These types include signed integers (`Int32`, `Int64`, `Int128`, `Int256`) and unsigned integers (`UInt32`, `UInt64`, `UInt128`, `UInt256`).
#### TimePoint
#### Duration
#### Bytes
# From raw bytes
Soroban.Types.Bytes.new(<<1, 2, 3>>)
# From string
Soroban.Types.Bytes.new("Hello World!")
#### Symbol
#### String
Soroban.Types.String.new("Hello World!")
#### Address
# Account address
# Contract address
#### Option
`Option` is a type that represents an optional value. It can hold any `Soroban.Types` type.
# When the value is not present
# When the value is present
|> Soroban.Types.UInt32.new()
|> Soroban.Types.Option.new()
#### Vec
`Vec` is a type that represents a vector of values. It can hold any `Soroban.Types` type as long as all the values are of the same type.
values = [
#### Tuple
`Tuple` is a type that represents a tuple of values. It can hold any `Soroban.Types` type.
alias Soroban.Types.{Tuple, Symbol, Int32}
values = [Symbol.new("A"), Symbol.new("B"), Int32.new(1)]
#### Map
`Map` is a type that represents a map of key-value pairs. It can hold any `Soroban.Types` type as key and value.
alias Soroban.Types.{Map, MapEntry, Symbol, UInt32, Bool}
key1 = Symbol.new("key1")
value1 = UInt32.new(100)
entry1 = MapEntry.new({key1, value1})
key2 = Symbol.new("key2")
value2 = Bool.new(true)
entry2 = MapEntry.new({key2, value2})
Map.new([entry1, entry2])
#### Enum
The `Enum` type supports both unit and tuple variants. More info can be found [here](https://soroban.stellar.org/docs/learn/custom-types#enum-unit-and-tuple-variants).
alias Soroban.Types.{Enum, UInt32}
# Unit variant
# Tuple variant
Enum.new({"B", UInt32.new(100)})
#### Struct
`Struct` is a type that represents a custom struct. It can hold any `Soroban.Types` type.
alias Soroban.Types.{Struct, StructField, UInt32, Address}
key1 = "key1"
value1 = UInt32.new(100)
field1 = StructField.new({key1, value1})
key2 = "key2"
field2 = StructField.new({key2, value2})
Struct.new([field1, field2])
### Soroban RPC endpoints
Interaction with the Soroban-RPC server is done through the `Soroban.RPC` module.
#### Simulate Transaction
Submit a trial contract invocation to get back return values, expected ledger footprint, and expected costs.
- `base64_envelope`: `<xdr.TransactionEnvelope>` - The transaction to be simulated (serialized in base64).
base64_envelope =
results: [
auth: nil,
events: nil,
cost: %{cpu_insns: "1048713", mem_bytes: "1201148"},
latest_ledger: "475528",
error: nil
#### Send Transaction
Submit a real transaction to the Stellar network. This is the only way to make changes "on-chain".
Unlike Horizon, this does not wait for transaction completion. It simply validates and enqueues the transaction. Clients should call [Get Transaction](#get-transaction) to learn about transaction success/failure.
This supports all transactions, not only smart contract-related transactions.
- `base64_envelope`: `<xdr.TransactionEnvelope>` - The signed transaction to broadcast (serialized in base64).
base64_envelope =
status: "PENDING",
hash: "a4721e2a61e9a6b3f54030396e41c3e352101e6cd649b4453e89fb3e827744f4",
latest_ledger: "476420",
latest_ledger_close_time: "1683150612",
error_result_xdr: nil
#### Get Transaction
Clients will poll this to tell when the transaction has been completed.
- `hash`: Transaction hash to query, as a hex-encoded string.
hash = "a4721e2a61e9a6b3f54030396e41c3e352101e6cd649b4453e89fb3e827744f4"
status: "SUCCESS",
latest_ledger: "476536",
latest_ledger_close_time: "1683151229",
oldest_ledger: "475097",
oldest_ledger_close_time: "1683143656",
application_order: 1,
ledger: "476421"
#### Get Health
General node health check.
{:ok, %Soroban.RPC.GetHealthResponse{status: "healthy"}}
#### Get Latest Ledger
For finding out the current latest known ledger of this node. This is a subset of the ledger info from Horizon.
id: "2a00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
protocol_version: 20,
sequence: 666
#### Get Network
General info about the currently configured network.
friendbot_url: "https://friendbot-futurenet.stellar.org/",
passphrase: "Test SDF Future Network ; October 2022",
protocol_version: "20"
#### Get Ledger Entries
For reading the current value of ledger entries directly.
Allows you to directly inspect the current state of a contract, a contract's code, or any other ledger entry. This is a backup way to access your contract data which may not be available via events or simulateTransaction.
- `keys`: `<xdr.LedgerKey[]>` - Array containing the keys of the ledger entries you wish to retrieve (an array of serialized base64 strings).
keys = ["AAAABvrOGFv9hxq4ke1yjqrbfSQPrggCrdo12YvueQldm8h8AAAADwAAAAdDT1VOVEVSAA=="]
entries: [
key: "AAAAB+qfy4GuVKKfazvyk4R9P9fpo2n9HICsr+xqvVcTF+DC",
xdr: "AAAABwAAAADqn8uBrlSin2s78pOEfT/X6aNp/RyArK/sar1XExfgwgAAAAphIGNvbnRyYWN0AAA=",
last_modified_ledger_seq: "13"
latest_ledger: "179436"
#### Get Events
Clients can request a filtered list of events emitted by a given ledger range.
Soroban-RPC will support querying within a maximum 24 hours of recent ledgers.
> **Note:**
> This could be used by the client to only prompt a refresh when there is a new ledger with relevant events. It should also be used by backend Dapp components to "ingest" events into their own database for querying and serving.
If making multiple requests, clients should deduplicate any events received, based on the event's unique id field. This prevents double-processing in the case of duplicate events being received.
By default soroban-rpc retains the most recent 24 hours of events.
- `start_ledger`: Stringified ledger sequence number to fetch events after (inclusive). This method will return an error if start_ledger is less than the oldest ledger stored in this node, or greater than the latest ledger seen by this node. If a cursor is included in the request, start_ledger must be omitted.
- `cursor`: (optional) A string ID that points to a specific location in a collection of responses and is pulled from the paging_token value of a record. When a cursor is provided Soroban-RPC will not include the element whose id matches the cursor in the response. Only elements which appear after the cursor are included.
- `limit`: (optional) The maximum number of records returned. The limit for getEvents can range from 1 to 10000 - an upper limit that is hardcoded in Soroban-RPC for performance reasons. If this argument isn't designated, it defaults to 100.
- `filters`: List of `EventFilter` for the returned events. Events matching any of the filters are included. To match a filter, an event must match both a contractId and a topic. Maximum 5 filters are allowed per request.
- `type`: (optional) A list of event types (`:system`, `:contract`, or `:diagnostic`) used to filter events. If omitted, all event types are included.
- `contract_ids`: (optional) List of contract ids to query for events. If omitted, return events for all contracts. Maximum 5 contract IDs are allowed per request.
- `topics`: (optional) List of `TopicFilter`. If omitted, query for all events. If multiple filters are specified, events will be included if they match any of the filters. Maximum 5 filters are allowed per request.
- `TopicFilter`: is a SegmentMatcher[]. The list can be 1-4 SegmentMatchers long.
- `SegmentMatcher`:
- For an exact segment match, use Soroban.ex Types that will be converted into string base64-encoded ScVal values.
- For a wildcard single-segment match, the string "\*", matches exactly one segment.
- E.g: `[Symbol.new("transfer"), "*", "*", "*"]`
alias Soroban.RPC.{
alias Soroban.Types.Symbol
limit = 1
start_ledger = "674736"
args = [Symbol.new("transfer"), "*", "*", "*"]
topic_filter = [TopicFilter.new(args)]
contract_ids = ["7d9defe0ccf9b680014a343b8880c22b160c2ea2c9a69df876decb28ddbd03dc"]
filters = [
EventFilter.new(type: [:contract], contract_ids: contract_ids, topics: topic_filter)
events_payload =
start_ledger: start_ledger,
filters: filters,
limit: limit
latest_ledger: "685870",
events: [
contract_id: "7d9defe0ccf9b680014a343b8880c22b160c2ea2c9a69df876decb28ddbd03dc",
id: "0002917807507378176-0000000000",
in_successful_contract_call: true,
ledger: "679355",
ledger_closed_at: "2023-05-16T06:02:47Z",
paging_token: "0002917807507378176-0000000000",
topic: [
type: "contract",
### Deploy and Invoke Soroban smart contracts
The deployment and invocation of Soroban smart contracts is done through the `Soroban.Contract` module which provides convenient functions that streamline the process.
#### Invoke contract function
- `contract_address`: Identifier of the contract to be invoked, encoded as `StrKey`.
- `source_secret_key`: Secret key of the function invoker responsible for signing the transaction.
- `function_name`: String indicating the name of the function to be invoked.
- `function_args`: List of `Soroban.Types` representing the arguments required by the indicated function (`function_name`). They should be provided in the specific order expected by the function.
- `extra_fee_rate`: Float number to increment the transaction fee to pay, useful when the operation returns an insufficient fee error.
- `auth_secret_key`: (optional) Secret key used to authorize the function invocation when the function invoker is not the same function authorizer.
##### Simple invocation - no authorization required
alias Soroban.Contract
alias Soroban.Types.String
function_name = "hello"
function_args = [String.new("world")]
Contract.invoke(contract_address, source_secret_key, function_name, function_args)
status: "PENDING",
hash: "f62cb9e20c6d297316f49dca2041be4bf1af6b069c784764e51ac008b313d716",
latest_ledger: "570194",
latest_ledger_close_time: "1683643419",
error_result_xdr: nil
##### Invocation with required authorization
- When the function invoker authorizes the function invocation
alias Soroban.Contract
alias Soroban.Types.{Address, UInt128}
function_name = "inc"
function_args = [
Contract.invoke(contract_address, source_secret_key, function_name, function_args)
status: "PENDING",
hash: "e888193b4fed9b3ca6ad2beca3c1ed5bef3e0099e558756de85d03511cbaa00b",
latest_ledger: "570253",
latest_ledger_close_time: "1683643728",
error_result_xdr: nil
- When the function invoker is not the function authorizer.
> **Note**
> This operation will not succeed if one of the `auth_secret_keys` is the same as the `source_secret_key`, because the simulate_transaction will return that auth as a `SOROBAN_CREDENTIALS_SOURCE_ACCOUNT` type.
alias Soroban.Contract
alias Soroban.Types.{Address, Int128}
extra_fee_rate = 0.05
function_name = "swap"
function_args = [
auth_secret_keys = [
status: "PENDING",
hash: "da263f59a8f8b29f415e7e26758cad6e8d88caec875112641b88757ce8e01873",
latest_ledger: "570349",
latest_ledger_close_time: "1683644240",
error_result_xdr: nil
#### Deploy contracts
##### Upload Contract Code
- `wasm`: Binary of the web assembly (WASM) file resulting from building the contract.
- `secret_key`: Secret key of the function invoker responsible for signing the transaction.
alias Soroban.Contract
alias Soroban.Contract.UploadContractCode
alias Soroban.RPC
alias Soroban.RPC.SendTransactionResponse
wasm = File.read!("../your_wasm_path/hello.wasm")
secret_key = "SCA..."
{:ok, %SendTransactionResponse{hash: hash}} = Contract.upload(wasm, secret_key)
status: "PENDING",
hash: "65d...",
latest_ledger: "1",
latest_ledger_close_time: "16",
error_result_xdr: nil
wasm_id =
|> RPC.get_transaction()
|> UploadContractCode.get_wasm_id()
<<187, 187, 69, ...>>
##### Deploy Contract from WASM
- `wasm_id`: Binary identification of the uploaded contract to deploy.
- `secret_key`: Secret key of the function invoker responsible for signing the transaction.
alias Soroban.Contract
alias Soroban.RPC.SendTransactionResponse
alias Soroban.Contract.DeployContract
wasm_id = <<187, 187, 69, ...>>
secret_key = "SCA..."
{:ok, %SendTransactionResponse{hash: hash}} = Contract.deploy(wasm_id, secret_key)
status: "PENDING",
hash: "f95...",
latest_ledger: "1",
latest_ledger_close_time: "16",
error_result_xdr: nil
##### Deploy Asset Contract
- `asset_code`: String from 1 to 12 characters indicating the asset symbol.
- `secret_key`: Secret key of the function invoker responsible for signing the transaction.
alias Soroban.Contract
alias Soroban.RPC.SendTransactionResponse
alias Soroban.Contract.DeployAssetContract
asset_code = "DBZ"
secret_key = "SCA..."
{:ok, %SendTransactionResponse{hash: hash}} = Contract.deploy_asset(asset_code, secret_key)
status: "PENDING",
hash: "b667...",
latest_ledger: "1",
latest_ledger_close_time: "16",
error_result_xdr: nil
#### BumpFootprint operation
##### Bump contract
Extends a contract instance lifetime.
- `contract_address`: Identifier of the contract to be bumped, encoded as `StrKey`.
- `source_secret_key`: Secret key of the function invoker responsible for signing the transaction.
- `ledgers_to_bump`: The number of ledgers wanted to extend the contract lifetime.
alias Soroban.Contract
alias Soroban.RPC.SendTransactionResponse
ledgers_to_bump = 100_000
{:ok, %SendTransactionResponse{hash: hash}} =
Contract.bump_contract(contract_address, secret_key, ledgers_to_bump)
status: "PENDING",
hash: "2f6f...",
latest_ledger: "279954",
latest_ledger_close_time: "1691441432",
error_result_xdr: nil
##### Bump contract wasm
Extends the lifetime of a contract's uploaded wasm code.
- `wasm_id`: Binary identification of an uploaded contract.
- `source_secret_key`: Secret key of the function invoker responsible for signing the transaction.
- `ledgers_to_bump`: The number of ledgers wanted to extend the wasm lifetime.
alias Soroban.Contract
alias Soroban.RPC.SendTransactionResponse
wasm_id = "067eb7ba419edd3e946e08eb17a81fbe1e850e690ed7692160875c2b65b45f21"
ledgers_to_bump = 100_000
{:ok, %SendTransactionResponse{hash: hash}} =
Contract.bump_contract_wasm(wasm_id, secret_key, ledgers_to_bump)
status: "PENDING",
hash: "2f6f...",
latest_ledger: "279954",
latest_ledger_close_time: "1691441432",
error_result_xdr: nil
##### Bump contract keys
Extends the lifetime of a contract's data entry keys.
- `contract_address`: Identifier of the contract to be bumped, encoded as `StrKey`.
- `source_secret_key`: Secret key of the function invoker responsible for signing the transaction.
- `ledgers_to_bump`: The number of ledgers wanted to extend the contract lifetime.
- `keys`: A list of tuples indicating the durability and the name of the data entry, to increase its lifetime.
- `durability`: Allowed types `:persistent`, `:temporary`
- `data entry`: Any `String` that is 32 characters or less.
alias Soroban.Contract
alias Soroban.RPC.SendTransactionResponse
ledgers_to_bump = 100_000
keys = [{:persistent, "Prst"}, {:temporary, "Tmp"}]
{:ok, %SendTransactionResponse{hash: hash}} =
Contract.bump_contract_keys(contract_address, secret_key, ledgers_to_bump, keys)
status: "PENDING",
hash: "2f6f...",
latest_ledger: "279954",
latest_ledger_close_time: "1691441432",
error_result_xdr: nil
#### RestoreFootprint operation
##### Restore contract
Restores a contract instance.
- `contract_address`: Identifier of the contract to be restored, encoded as `StrKey`.
- `source_secret_key`: Secret key of the function invoker responsible for signing the transaction.
alias Soroban.Contract
alias Soroban.RPC.SendTransactionResponse
{:ok, %SendTransactionResponse{hash: hash}} =
Contract.restore_contract(contract_address, secret_key)
status: "PENDING",
hash: "eedb...",
latest_ledger: "295506",
latest_ledger_close_time: "1691523150",
error_result_xdr: nil
##### Restore contract wasm
Restores a contract uploaded wasm code.
> **Note**: When restoring a contract wasm make sure the contract wasn't re-uploaded, because the transaction could succeed but, since the `wasm_id` changed, the restored one will continue not working.
- `wasm_id`: Binary identification of an uploaded contract.
- `source_secret_key`: Secret key of the function invoker responsible for signing the transaction.
alias Soroban.Contract
alias Soroban.RPC.SendTransactionResponse
wasm_id = "067eb7ba419edd3e946e08eb17a81fbe1e850e690ed7692160875c2b65b45f21"
{:ok, %SendTransactionResponse{hash: hash}} = Contract.restore_contract_wasm(wasm_id, secret_key)
status: "PENDING",
hash: "eedb...",
latest_ledger: "295508",
latest_ledger_close_time: "1691523689",
error_result_xdr: nil
##### Restore contract keys
Restore contract's data entry keys.
> **Note**: Only `persistent` data entries are allowed because temporary entries cannot be restored as they are permanently deleted when they expire.
- `contract_address`: Identifier of the contract to be restored, encoded as `StrKey`.
- `source_secret_key`: Secret key of the function invoker responsible for signing the transaction.
- `keys`: A keyword list indicating the durability and the name of the data entry, to restore.
- `durability`: Allowed types `:persistent`
- `data entry`: Any `String` that is 32 characters or less.
alias Soroban.Contract
alias Soroban.RPC.SendTransactionResponse
keys = [persistent: ["Prst"]]
{:ok, %SendTransactionResponse{hash: hash}} =
Contract.restore_contract_keys(contract_address, secret_key, keys)
status: "PENDING",
hash: "0521...",
latest_ledger: "295768",
latest_ledger_close_time: "1691524532",
error_result_xdr: nil
### Retrieve unsigned Transaction Envelope XDR
In order to facilitate seamless integration with wallets, we have developed functions that enable the retrieval of the unsigned Transaction Envelope XDR for each type of interaction with contracts: invocation, upload, and deployment.
This XDR is required by wallets to sign transactions before they can be submitted to the network. Once the wallet returns the signed XDR, the `Soroban.RPC.send_transaction/1` function can be used to submit the transaction.
#### Invoke contract function
- `contract_address`: Identifier of the contract to be invoked, encoded as `StrKey`.
- `source_public_key`: Public key of the function invoker responsible for signing the transaction.
- `function_name`: String value indicating the name of the function to be invoked.
- `function_args`: List of `Soroban.Types` representing the arguments required by the indicated function (`function_name`). They should be provided in the specific order expected by the function.
- `extra_fee_rate`: Float number to increment the transaction fee to pay, useful when the operation returns an insufficient fee error.
alias Soroban.Contract
alias Soroban.Types.String
extra_fee_rate = 0.05
function_name = "hello"
function_args = [String.new("world")]
#### Install contract code
- `wasm`: Binary of the web assembly (WASM) file resulting from building the contract.
- `source_public_key`: Public key of the function invoker responsible for signing the transaction.
alias Soroban.Contract
wasm = File.read!("../your_wasm_path/hello.wasm")
Contract.retrieve_unsigned_xdr_to_upload(wasm, source_public_key)
#### Deploy Contract
- `wasm_id`: Binary identification of the uploaded contract to deploy.
- `source_public_key`: Public key of the function invoker responsible for signing the transaction.
alias Soroban.Contract
wasm_id = <<43, 175, 217, 68, 182, 222, 246, 123, 230, 77, 134, 236, 60, 179, 45, 137, 54,
44, 8, 19, 0, 134, 104, 112, 90, 233, 87, 199, 60, 136, 151, 169>>
Contract.retrieve_unsigned_xdr_to_deploy(wasm_id, source_public_key)
#### Deploy Asset Contract
- `asset_code`: String from 1 to 12 characters indicating the asset symbol.
- `source_public_key`: Public key of the function invoker responsible for signing the transaction.
alias Soroban.Contract
asset_code = "DBZ"
Contract.retrieve_unsigned_xdr_to_deploy_asset(asset_code, source_public_key)
## Configuration
The default HTTP Client is `:hackney`. Options can be passed to `:hackney` via configuration parameters.
config :soroban, hackney_options: [{:connect_timeout, 1000}, {:recv_timeout, 5000}]
You can also change the default HTTP Client library.
config :soroban, http_client: YourApp.CustomHTTPClient
### Custom HTTP Client
`soroban.ex` allows you to use the HTTP client implementation of your choice. See [**Soroban.RPC.Client.Spec**][http_client_spec] for details.
config :soroban, :http_client_impl, YourApp.CustomClientImpl
### Custom JSON library
Following the same approach as the HTTP client, the JSON parsing library can also be configured. Defaults to [`Jason`][jason_url].
config :soroban, :json_library, YourApp.CustomJSONLibrary
## Development
- Install an Elixir version `v1.14` or lower.
- Compile dependencies: `mix deps.get`.
- Run tests: `mix test`.
## Changelog
Features and bug fixes are listed in the [CHANGELOG][changelog] file.
## Code of conduct
We welcome everyone to contribute. Make sure you have read the [CODE_OF_CONDUCT][coc] before.
## Contributing
For information on how to contribute, please refer to our [CONTRIBUTING][contributing] guide.
## License
This library is licensed under an MIT license. See [LICENSE][license] for details.
## Acknowledgements
Made with 💙 by [kommitters Open Source](https://kommit.co)
[license]: https://github.com/kommitters/soroban.ex/blob/main/LICENSE
[coc]: https://github.com/kommitters/soroban.ex/blob/main/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md
[changelog]: https://github.com/kommitters/soroban.ex/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md
[contributing]: https://github.com/kommitters/soroban.ex/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md
[http_client_spec]: https://github.com/kommitters/soroban.ex/blob/main/lib/rpc/client/spec.ex
[jason_url]: https://github.com/michalmuskala/jason
[hex]: https://hex.pm/packages/soroban