# Sortex

Dynamically sort data in Elixir!

Sortex examines your ecto queries and adds the desired sorting adding any required joins dynamically.

You can use it like this:
  |> Sorter.sort(%{"sort" => %{"number_of_feet" => 2}})
  |> Repo.all

It also provides View functions to use in Phoenix templates to ensure the parameters are correct for the backend e.g

      <th><%= sorted_column @conn, helper: :animal_path, action: :show, field: :number_of_feet %></th>
    <td><%= animal.number_of_feet %></td>

It supports assoc fields on schema based queries too, but you do need to tell it the links between schema as a schema could appear more than once in a tree of nested schemas...
For example, assuming you have an `Animals` schema with a `Feed` assoc and the `Feed` assoc has a `Supplier` assoc and you wish to sort by the `name` field on the `Supplier` schema you would do this:
<%= sorted_column @conn, helper: :animal_path, action: :show, assoc: [:feed, :supplier] field: :name %></th>

If you are using non schema based queries  e.g. `from a in "animals", select: %{a.number_of_feet}` simple sorts work in the same way. However assocs are slightly different. You just need to give the name of the table and the field
<%= sorted_column @conn, helper: :animal_path, action: :show, assoc: :supplier field: :name %></th>
(If a table is joined multiple times in the query it will use the first join for it)

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `sortex` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:sortex, "~> 0.1.0"}

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