# SpandexPhoenix
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Phoenix and Plug integrations for the
[Spandex]( tracing library.

## Usage

Add `spandex_phoenix` to your dendencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:spandex_phoenix, "~> 0.3.2"}

Configure it to use your desired `Spandex.Tracer` module in `config.exs`:

config :spandex_phoenix, tracer: MyApp.Tracer

Add `use SpandexPhoenix` to the appropriate module. This will "wrap" the
module with tracing and error-reporting via Spandex.

Phoenix integration:

defmodule MyAppWeb.Endpoint do
  use Phoenix.Endpoint, otp_app: :my_app
  use SpandexPhoenix

  # ...

Plug integration:
defmodule MyApp.Router do
  use Plug.Router
  use SpandexPhoenix

  # ...

### Customizing Traces

Traces can be customized and filtered by passing options to the `use SpandexPhoenix` macro. 
See the [documentation for SpandexPhoenix] for more information.

## Integrating with Phoenix Instrumentation

If you are using Phoenix and you configure `SpandexPhoenix.Instrumenter` in
your Phoenix `instrumenters` list, you will automatically get spans created for
`Phoenix.Controller` and `Phoenix.View` timing, with the `resource` set to the
name of the controller action or view name.

Note that this should be used in addition to the `use SpandexPhoenix`
macro to start the trace and top-level span, as the instrumenter only creates
child spans, assuming that the trace will already have been created.

Configure your Phoenix `Endpoint` to use this library as one of its

config :my_app, MyAppWeb.Endpoint,
  # ... existing config ...
  instrumenters: [SpandexPhoenix.Instrumenter]

More details can also be found in the docs on [Hexdocs].

[documentation for SpandexPhoenix]: