Library forked to provide timely updates.
The `master` branch is used for deployments.
The state of the original repository is represented by the `upstream`
branch, so if you would like to make contributions that could be
mergable both to our fork and original repository, it's best to start
your branch on `origin/upstream`.
# SpandexPhoenix
Phoenix and Plug integrations for the
[Spandex]( tracing library.
## Usage
Add `spandex_phoenix` to your dendencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:spandex_phoenix, "~> 1.1.0"}
Configure it to use your desired `Spandex.Tracer` module in `config.exs`:
config :spandex_phoenix, tracer: MyApp.Tracer
### Usage: Phx >= 1.5 (Telemetry)
**Upgrade Note**: *If you're updating your SpandexPhoenix code from using it with previous versions of Pheonix,
you must first remove all the code detailed in `Usage: Plug & Phx < 1.5` before following
telemetry installation instructions below.*
SpandexPhoenix supports using Phoenix 1.5's Telemetry events to create spans for
`Phoenix.Controller` timing, with the `resource` name set to the controller action.
To attach `Spandex.Telemetry`'s event handlers, call `Spandex.Telemetry.install/{0,1}`
during your application's startup:
defmodule MyApp.Application do
def start(_, _) do
# ...
# ...
See `Spandex.Telemetry.install/1` documentation for event handler options.
### Usage: Plug & Phx < 1.5
Add `use SpandexPhoenix` to the appropriate module. This will "wrap" the
module with tracing and error-reporting via Spandex.
Phoenix integration:
defmodule MyAppWeb.Endpoint do
use Phoenix.Endpoint, otp_app: :my_app
use SpandexPhoenix
# ...
If you use Phoenix, you don't need to use the following integration most likely, otherwise, you get the error messages like
[error] Tried to start a trace over top of another trace
Plug integration:
defmodule MyApp.Router do
use Plug.Router
use SpandexPhoenix
# ...
#### Customizing Traces
Traces can be customized and filtered by passing options to the `use SpandexPhoenix` macro.
See the [documentation for SpandexPhoenix] for more information.
#### Integrating with Phoenix Instrumentation
If you are using Phoenix and you configure `SpandexPhoenix.Instrumenter` in
your Phoenix `instrumenters` list, you will automatically get spans created for
`Phoenix.Controller` and `Phoenix.View` timing, with the `resource` set to the
name of the controller action or view name.
Note that this should be used in addition to the `use SpandexPhoenix`
macro to start the trace and top-level span, as the instrumenter only creates
child spans, assuming that the trace will already have been created.
Configure your Phoenix `Endpoint` to use this library as one of its
config :my_app, MyAppWeb.Endpoint,
# ... existing config ...
instrumenters: [SpandexPhoenix.Instrumenter]
More details can also be found in the docs on [Hexdocs].
[documentation for SpandexPhoenix]: