# Spawn

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**Actor Mesh Serverless Platform**

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### **[Website](** • **[Getting Started](docs/** • **[SDKs](docs/** • **[Documentation](** • **[Blog](**

## Overview 

Since UC Berkeley published its [Cloud Programming Simplified: A Berkeley View on
Serverless Computing]( in the year of 2019, several solutions for Stateful Serverless and Durable Computing are emerging on the market.
Originally coming from some contributors to the [Cloudstate]( (currently Kalix project) Eigr Spawn is the Erlang world's solution to the issues of durable serverless computing. 

Serverless runtimes are often hidden in cloud providers' offerings and exposed only by their programming API and deployment procedures. With Spawn we explore an open source serverless runtime built for the cloud and on-premises, running on [BEAM]( and [ERTS]( with a polyglot programming model for building general-purpose applications. From BEAM for all.

To learn more about how Erlang can, through any programming language, help you developer, architect, or company quickly achieve your business goals, just take a look at our [documentation](docs/

## Blogs

## Talks

You can see some talks on Youtube about Eigr Community or Spawn in the links below:

- **Marcel Lanz on ACM SIGPLAN - Erlang 2021 - Lightning Talk**: _in English_
- **Marcel Lanz on Code Beam Europe 2022**: _in English_
- **Adriano Santos on Code Beam BR 2022**: _in Portuguese_
- **Adriano Santos ElugSP 2023**: _in Portuguese_
- **Elias Arruda on Elixir CWB (Curitiba)**: _in Portuguese_

## Nice to meet you, my name is Sepp

Our cyberpunk mascot is called Sepp, he is an [Ibex](, an animal typical of the Swiss Alps, who loves to walk through the Eiger mountains. His name is Sepp, which is the German form of Joseph or Joe. Sepp and his lineage, specifically, go back to Viking times which is why he can sometimes be a little rude, but he's a good guy and loves helping his friends.

![Sepp Rules](docs/images/sepp-rules-254-400.png#gh-light-mode-only)
![Sepp Rules](docs/images/sepp-rules-254-400.png#gh-dark-mode-only)