# speak_ex
An Elixir framework for building telephony applications, inspired heavily by Ruby's [Adhearsion](http://adhearsion.com/).
SpeakEx enables easy integration of Elixir and Phoenix voice applications with [Asterisk](http://www.asterisk.org/). For example, build a simple voice survey application with [Elixir Survey Tutorial](https://github.com/smpallen99/elixir_survey_tutorial) or a call out system.
## Getting Started
### Configure Asterisk
Configure some extensions to be routed to the SpeakEx application.
include => speak-ex
exten => _5XXX,1,Noop(SpeakEx Demo)
exten => _5XXX,n,AGI(agi://
Configure an account for AMI.
secret = elixirconf
read = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config,command,dtmf,reporting,cdr,dialplan,originate
write = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config,command,dtmf,reporting,cdr,dialplan,originate
writetimeout = 5000
Reload asterisk with `asterisk -rx reload`
### Setup your Elixir project
#### Install the dependency
{:speak_ex, "~> 0.3"},
Fetch and compile the dependency:
mix do deps.get, deps.compile
#### Configure AGI and AMI in your elixir project
SpeakEx uses both ExAmi and erlagi. Configuration is needed for both as follows:
config :erlagi,
listen: [
{:localhost, host: '', port: 20000, backlog: 5,
callback: SpeakEx.CallController}
config :ex_ami,
servers: [
{:asterisk, [
{:connection, {ExAmi.TcpConnection, [
{:host, ""}, {:port, 5038}
{:username, "elixirconf"},
{:secret, "elixirconf"}
]} ]
#### Configure swift for text-to-speech
If you want to use text to speech and have [Cepstral](http://www.cepstral.com/) installed on Asterisk, add the following:
config :speak_ex, :renderer, :swift
#### Create a voice route
Create a call router to route all incoming calls to the CallController.
defmodule Survey.CallRouter do
use SpeakEx.Router
router do
route "Survey", MyProject.CallController # , to: ~r/5555/
#### Create a call controller to handle your call
A sample call controller to answer the call say welcome and hang up.
defmodule MyProject.CallController do
use SpeakEx.CallController
def run(call) do
|> answer!
|> say(welcome)
|> hangup!
|> terminate!
More documentation is coming soon.
## License
`speak_ex` is Copyright (c) 2015-2016 E-MetroTel
The source code is released under the MIT License.
Check [LICENSE](LICENSE) for more information.