## <img width=16 src=""> Spectator
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Spectator is a BEAM observer tool written in Gleam, that plays well with gleam_otp processes.


## Note

This is a work in progress, so far it has the following features:

- Show processes in a sortable table
- Tag individual processes for easy identification
- Show process details
- Show OTP process state
- Suspend / resume OTP processes
- List ETS tables
- View content of ETS tables

The goal is to extend it with these features in the future:

- [ ] List of active Ports
- [ ] Basic system statistics
- [ ] Pretty print dynamic data into HTML for nicer state inspection
- [ ] Inspect other Erlang nodes 

## Installation

gleam add spectator@1

## Usage

> 🦔 **Please be aware spectator is still new, and a work in progress, reliability is not guaranteed, use at your own peril!**

Call `spectator.start()` in your application, to start the spectator service and WebUI.

In order to make it easier to identify your Gleam processes in the process list, you can tag them with a friendly name with `spectator.tag`, `spectator.tag_subject` or `spectator.tag_result` **after** starting the spectator service.

## Example

import gleam/erlang/process
import spectator
import utils/pantry

pub fn main() {
  // Start the spectator service
  let assert Ok(_) = spectator.start()

  // Start an OTP actor
  let assert Ok(sub) =

  // Tag the actor with a name for easier identification in the spectator UI
  // Note: this only works because we called spectator.start before!
  |> spectator.tag_subject("Pantry Actor")

  // Add some state to the actor
  pantry.add_item(sub, "This actor has some state")
  pantry.add_item(sub, "Another item in the state of this actor")
  pantry.add_item(sub, "And some more state I've put into this demo actor")

  // Sleep on the main process so the program doesn't exit

Further documentation can be found at <>.