# Specter
`Specter` is a wrapper for [webrtc.rs](https://webrtc.rs) as an Elixir NIF, using Rustler.
This library is a low-level interface to the data structures and entities provided by Rust, with a
minimal set of opinions.
## Installation
def deps do
{:specter, "~> 0.1"}
## Checklist
- [x] `Specter.init/1` takes (opts)
- opts: (`ice_servers`)
- [x] `Specter.config/1` (ref), returning `Specter.Config.t()`
- [x] `Specter.new_media_engine/1` (ref), returning UUID
- [x] `Specter.new_registry/2` (ref, uuid), returning UUID
- [x] `Specter.new_api/3` (ref, uuid, uuid), returning UUID
- arg1: media engine uuid
- arg2: registry uuid
- [x] `Specter.PeerConnection.new/2` (ref, uuid), returning UUID
- arg1: api builder uuid
- [x] `Specter.PeerConnection.close/2` (ref, uuid)
- [x] `Specter.PeerConnection.set_remote_description/3` (ref, uuid, json)
- [x] `Specter.PeerConnection.create_offer/3` (ref, uuid, opts)
- opts: (`voice_activity_detection`: `bool`, `ice_restart`: `bool`)
- [x] `Specter.PeerConnection.create_data_channel/3` (ref, uuid, label)
- [x] `Specter.PeerConnection.create_answer/3` (ref, uuid, opts)
- opts: (`voice_activity_detection`: `bool`)
- [x] `Specter.PeerConnection.set_local_description/3` (ref, uuid, json)
- [x] `Specter.PeerConnection.current_local_description/2`
- [x] `Specter.PeerConnection.pending_local_description/2`
- [x] `Specter.PeerConnection.local_description/2`
- [x] `pc.on_ice_candidate` sends candidate to callback process
- [x] `Specter.PeerConnection.add_ice_candidate/3` (ref, uuid, string)
- [x] `Specter.PeerConnection.current_remote_description/2`
- [x] `Specter.PeerConnection.pending_remote_description/2`
- [x] `Specter.PeerConnection.remote_description/2`
- [x] `Specter.PeerConnection.ice_connection_state/2`
- [x] `Specter.PeerConnection.ice_gathering_state/2`
- [x] `Specter.PeerConnection.signaling_state/2`
- [x] `Specter.PeerConnection.connection_state/2`
- [x] `Specter.PeerConnection.get_stats/2`
- [ ] pc state changes sent to Elixir pid
- [ ] `pc.gathering_complete_promise` sends message to callback process
- might not want to impement this
- [ ] `Specter.close` (ref, uuid)
- [ ] RTC metrics sent to Elixir
- [ ] `Specter.add_track` (ref, uuid, ?)
- [ ] `Specter.remove_track` (ref, uuid, ?)
## Development
Development of `Specter` depends on Elixir, Erlang, and Rust being available in the environment.
Suggested setup:
asdf plugin-add erlang
asdf plugin-add elixir
asdf plugin-add rust
CI will run tests and audit the repository, but to make sure all checks locally, the following
commands can be run:
The following script is encouraged to run all checks as a part of pushing commits:
## References / Thank yous
This project is indebted to the following sites and references (at the very least).
- https://github.com/scrogson/franz
- https://webrtc.rs