# Readme

[Spike]( helps you build stateul,
server-memory backed forms in Elixir.

If you are struggling with making deep nested Ecto changesets back your forms
the way you like it, you may have ended up in a right place.

## Installation

[Available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `spike` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:spike, "~> 0.2"}

Documentation can be found on [HexDocs](

## Usage

Spike can be used on it's own, or with
[Phoenix LiveView]( /
[Surface UI](

Basic usage consists on creating an Elixir module, which represents your form
and stores both: data, that the user can manipulate using UI controls
(via LiveView or otherwise), and data that is necessary for the form to be
rendered and displayed to user.

Spike's [LiveView bindings]( or
[Surface UI bindings]( can be
used together with this core library to extend live views or components with
out-of-the box support for `@form` and `@errors`, as well as default
implementation of events handling, to build

Spike forms are based on Elixir structs, that declare fields, associations and
validations - similar to Ecto schemas or ActiveRecord models. These forms,
however, live entirely in the memory. Let's consider a registration form. We
have to define a module, with fields and validations:

defmodule MyApp.RegistrationForm do
  use Spike.Form do
    field(:first_name, :string)
    field(:last_name, :string)
    field(:age, :integer)
    field(:email, :string)
    field(:accepts_conditions, :boolean, default: false)

  validates(:first_name, presence: true)
  validates(:accepts_conditions, acceptance: true)

form ={})
=> false
=> %{accepts_conditions: [acceptance: "must be accepted"], first_name: [presence: "must be present"]}

See the documentation for `Spike`, `Spike.Form`,
and `Spike.Form.Schema` modules for usage and examples.

For more complete example of usage with LiveView and Surface UI, have a look at our [example application](