# spooks
An agentic workflow framework in Elixir
## Installation
You must run an ecto migration to create the `spooks_workflow_checkpoints` table if you plan on using checkpoints.
defmodule MyApp.Repo.Migrations.AddSpooksTables do
use Ecto.Migration
def down do
drop table("spooks_workflow_checkpoints")
def up do
create table("spooks_workflow_checkpoints") do
add :workflow_identifier, :string
add :workflow_module, :string
add :workflow_context, :map
add :workflow_event_module, :string
add :workflow_event, :map
add :checkpoint_timeout, :naive_datetime
create unique_index("spooks_workflow_checkpoints", [:workflow_identifier])
If [available in Hex](https://hex.pm/docs/publish), the package can be installed
by adding `spooks` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:spooks, "~> 0.1.0"}
Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc](https://github.com/elixir-lang/ex_doc)
and published on [HexDocs](https://hexdocs.pm). Once published, the docs can
be found at <https://hexdocs.pm/spooks>.
## Usage
Create your own workflow! Be sure you include the following line in your workflow module:
use Spooks.Workflow
Create a struct for each event in your workflow. You can add whichever fields you like to your struct.
> [!NOTE]
> Note that all your events must `@derive Jason.Encoder` because they are saved to the database checkpoints.
defmodule MyApp.MyCustomEvent do
@derive Jason.Encoder
defstruct []
In your workflow, add a function for each event. The name of the function *must* be the same as the event name only with underscores and with the final `_event` replaced with `_step`. Your function must take 2 arguments. The event and the context. It must return either the `{:ok, next_event, updated_ctx}` or `{:error, reason}` tuple.
For example:
def my_custom_step(event, ctx) do
next_event = ...
udpated_ctx = ...
{:ok, next_event, updated_ctx}
You _should_ add a `@step` annotation to your step functions. This is used for generating diagrams of your agentic workflow.
`in` must be
- an event module name
`out` can be
- nil (the end of the agentic workflow)
- an event module name
- a list of event module names (for branching)
@step %Step{in: MyFirstEvent, out: MySecondEvent}
def my_first_step(event, ctx) do
@step %Step{in: MySecondEvent, out: [MyThirdEvent,StopEvent]}
def my_second_step(event, ctx) do
@step %Step{in: MyFirstEvent, out: nil}
def my_last_step(event, ctx) do
{:ok, nil, ctx}
There are two built in events for `Spooks.Event.StartEvent` and `Spooks.Event.EndEvent`.
If you would like to add data or get data from the context you should use the following functions:
> [!HINT]
> You can also use a list of keys for `put_data` and `get_data` for nested data structures.
@step %Step{in: MyFirstEvent, out: MySecondEvent}
def my_first_step(event, ctx) do
new_ctx = Spooks.Context.SpooksContext.put_data(:greeting, "hello world!")
{:ok, %MySecondEvent{}, new_ctx}
@step %Step{in: MySecondEvent, out: MyThirdEvent}
def my_second_step(event, ctx) do
custom_greeting = Spooks.Context.SpooksContext.get_data(:greeting)
{:ok, %MyThirdEvent{}, ctx}
If you wish to save checkpoints after each step, pass in your repository to the workflow context.
workflow = Spooks.Sample.SampleWorkflow
repo = MyApp.Repo
workflow_context = Spooks.Context.SpooksContext.new(workflow, repo)
If you do not wish to save checkpoints:
workflow = Spooks.Sample.SampleWorkflow
workflow_context = Spooks.Context.SpooksContext.new(workflow, nil)