# spotter
This middleware layer is written for restricting an access to the certain message queues and doing pre-processing or validating data before passing it later to the next step. 

For example, it's very important for a cases when you should guaranteed that the data on each stage of pipeline will be correct and valid so that the last stage will send a response to the client as expected, instead of let it crash at some stage without sending a detailed error.

# Features
- Restricting an access to the certain message queues (or resources) via checking permissions
- Pre-processing an input data before passing it to the next stage

# Installing

The package can be installed via adding the `spotter` dependency to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

  def deps do
    [{:spotter, "~> 0.1.0"}]

# Configuration

By default Spotter reads environment configuration and trying to establish a AMQP connection with the following parameters:

  * `SPOTTER_AMQP_USERNAME` - username. Default: `guest`
  * `SPOTTER_AMQP_PASSWORD` - password. Default: `guest`
  * `SPOTTER_AMQP_HOST` - host. Default: `localhost`
  * `SPOTTER_AMQP_PORT` - port. Default: `5672`
  * `SPOTTER_AMQP_VHOST` - default virtual host. Default: `/`
  * `SPOTTER_AMQP_TIMEOUT` - timeout, Default: `10000` milliseconds.
Also it is possible to specify other connections that can be found in [AMQP client docs]( 
Any of those arguments (that were mentioned in the documentation) can be specified in `GenServer.start_link/3` function.

# Example

  defmodule CustomWorker do
    use Spotter.Worker

    @exchange ""
    @queue_validate "validate.queue"
    @queue_genstage "genstage.queue"

    # Specify here a router that will be using during processing a message
      {"my.test.endpoint", ["get", "post"]},

    def configure(connection, _config) do
      {:ok, channel} =
      :ok =, @exchange, durable: true)

      # An initial point where the worker do required stuff
      {:ok, queue_request} = AMQP.Queue.declare(channel, @queue_validate, durable: true, auto_delete: true)
      :ok = AMQP.Queue.bind(channel, @queue_validate, @exchange, routing_key: @queue_validate)

      # Queue for a valid messages
      {:ok, queue_forward} = AMQP.Queue.declare(channel, @queue_genstage, durable: true, auto_delete: true)
      :ok = AMQP.Queue.bind(channel, @queue_genstage, @exchange, routing_key: @queue_genstage)

      # Specify a consumer here
      :ok = AMQP.Basic.qos(channel, prefetch_count: 1)
      {:ok, _} = AMQP.Basic.consume(channel, @queue_validate)

      # The second element will be storing in state[:meta]
      {:ok, [channel: channel, queue_request: queue_request, queue_forward: queue_forward]}

    # Invoked when a message successfully consumed
    def handle_info({:basic_deliver, payload, %{delivery_tag: tag, reply_to: reply_to, headers: headers}}, state) do
      channel = state[:meta][:channel]
      spawn fn -> consume(channel, tag, reply_to, headers, payload) end
      {:noreply, state}
    # Processing a consumed message
    defp consume(channel, tag, reply_to, headers, payload) do
      # Do some usefull stuff here ...

      # And don't forget to ack a processed message. Or perhaps even use nack 
      # when it will be neceessary.
      AMQP.Basic.ack(channel, tag)
  Pay attention to this `consume/5` method. I recommend to send async messages to GenServer that will be consumed later, so that when the message is processing a single thread wouldn't be blocked.  
  After that just specify this `CustomWorker` in your OTP application with supervisor and invoke `GenServer.start_link/3`.