# Spout
*A TAP producer that integrates with existing ExUnit tests via an ExUnit formatter*

A TAP producer that integrates with existing ExUnit test suites via a ExUnit formatter. Spout provides a simple way to generate TAP output without having to modify existing test code.

Add Spout as a test dependency in your project:

    def deps do
      [{:spout, "~> 1.0.0"}]


Add Spout as a ExUnit formatter in your `test/test_helper.exs` file:

    ExUnit.configure formatters: [Spout]

If you want to keep using the default formatter alongside Spout your `test/test_helper.exs` file should look like this:

    ExUnit.configure formatters: [Spout, ExUnit.CLIFormatter]

##Similar Projects

* A TAP producer for Erlang's Common Test: [](

* Add option to specify filename

##Known Issues
No known issues.

Feel free to create an issue or pull request on GitHub ([]( if you find a bug or see something that could be improved.