# Sprocket

A framework for building real-time server UI components and live views in [Gleam ✨](

[![Package Version](](
[![Hex Docs](](

[Demo Documentation](

Heavily inspired by [Phoenix LiveView]( and
[React]( The name "sprocket" is loosely derived from the metaphor
of a bicycle's sprocket, cassette and chain.

An initial static view is rendered as HTML on the "first paint" which then establishes a connection to the server over a
WebSocket to facilitate sending browser events and receiving view update diffs. These updates are
patched into a client-side in-memory representation of the DOM and efficiently rendered to the
browser DOM. Declarative views are built using functional components that accept props and re-render
when state changes. Contextual hooks are used to manage state and effects, e.g.
`state`, `reducer` and `effect`.

Typed component interfaces snap together and are used to create higher-level views. Data flow is
"uni-directional" in that **State** always flows down into components as props and **Events**
bubble up through event handler functions (which are also passed in as props, e.g.
`on_some_event("Something happened")`).

## Key Features

- Real-time server-side UI component framework
- Renders initial HTML and efficiently patches updates to the DOM using diffs sent over a persistent WebSocket connection
- Declarative and composable functional components that re-render when state changes
- Strong, static type system means fewer runtime crashes and easier maintenance
- Lightweight OTP processes make for a more efficient and scalable application
- Built on top of the venerable Erlang BEAM VM, which is renowned for high-concurrency and fault-tolerance

## Example

### Clock Component

pub type ClockProps {
  ClockProps(label: Option(String), time_unit: Option(erlang.TimeUnit))

pub fn clock(ctx: Context, props) {
  let ClockProps(label, time_unit) = props

  // Default time unit is seconds if one is not provided
  let time_unit =
    |> option.unwrap(erlang.Second)

  // Use a state hook to track the current time
  use ctx, time, set_time <- state(ctx, erlang.system_time(time_unit))

  // Example effect that runs once when the component is mounted
  // and has a cleanup function that runs when the component is unmounted
  use ctx <- effect(
    fn() {
      let interval_duration = case time_unit {
        erlang.Millisecond -> 1
        _ -> 1000

      let cancel =
        interval(interval_duration, fn() {

      Some(fn() { cancel() })

  let current_time = int.to_string(time)

    case label {
      Some(label) -> fragment([span([], [text(label)]), span([], [text(current_time)])])
      None -> text(current_time)

### Parent view

pub type ExampleViewProps {

pub fn example_view(ctx: Context, _props: ExampleViewProps) {
        head([], [link([rel("stylesheet"), href("/app.css")])]),
          [class("bg-white dark:bg-gray-900 dark:text-white p-4")],
              ClockProps(label: Some("The current time is: "), time_unit: None),


## Getting Started

To get started with Sprocket, follow the instructions below:

1. Clone the Sprocket starter repository:

git clone

1. Install the required dependencies:

gleam deps download

1. Start the development server:

yarn run watch

1. Open your web browser and visit [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) to see the starter app.

## Installation

This package can be added to your Gleam project:

gleam add sprocket

For getting started with Sprocket, refer to the [Official Docs](
Here you will find detailed examples and tutorials. These docs are
build with sprocket, which also make them an excellent reference implementation [](

## API Documentation

API documentation can be found at <>.

## Contributing

Contributions to Sprocket are welcome and encouraged! If you would like to contribute, please follow
the guidelines outlined in the
[]( file.

## License

Sprocket is released under the [MIT License](