
# Sputnik
by weLaika

Sputnik is a website crawler written in Elixir.

It crawls a website following all internal links and makes a report of all pages' status codes.

With query flags you can pass one ore more css selector to produce pages report about that.

## Build

Sputnik can be built with:

mix get.deps

## Usage

Sputnik takes the url to crawl and optional query to perform on the crawled pages:

### Options

- query: valid css selectors, separated by commas, that you want to analyze all over the website
- connections: max number of concurrent HTTP connections (default is 10)

sputnik [--query <Q> --query <Q1> ...] [--connections <N>] <url>

## Examples


./sputnik "" --query "div" --query "a" --query "h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6" --connections 10

produces the following output

#################### Pages ####################
Pages found: 19
status_code 200: 12
status_code 301: 7

#################### Queries ####################
## query `a` ##
327 result(s)
Min 18 result(s) per page
Max 57 result(s) per page
## query `div` ##
347 result(s)
Min 13 result(s) per page
Max 53 result(s) per page
## query `h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6` ##
95 result(s)
Min 0 result(s) per page
Max 31 result(s) per page


and it opens the browser with a page like this


## Requirements

Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc](
and published on [HexDocs]( Once published, the docs can
be found at [](

## Testing

To run tests:

$ mix test --cover

To run credo:

$ mix credo

## Documentation

To generate the documentation:

$ mix docs && open doc/index.html