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<p align="center">
  Format and pretty print SQL queries

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# Contents

- [Installation](#installation)
- [Example Output](#example-output)
- [Supporting SqlFmt](#supporting-sqlfmt)
- [Attribution](#attribution)

## Installation

[Available in Hex](, the package can be installed by adding `sql_fmt` to your list of
dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:sql_fmt, "~> 0.1.0"}

Documentation can be found at [](

## Example Output

After setting up SqlFmt in your application you can use the SqlFmt functions in order to format queries. Here are a
couple examples of queries with having parameters inline and with passing in the parameters separately:

iex(1)> {:ok, formatted_sql} = SqlFmt.format_query("select * from businesses where id in ('c6f5c5f1-a1fc-4c9a-91f7-6aa40f1e233d', 'f339d4ce-96b6-4440-a541-28a0fb611139');")
{:ok, "SELECT\n  *\nFROM\n  businesses\nWHERE\n  id IN (\n    'c6f5c5f1-a1fc-4c9a-91f7-6aa40f1e233d',\n    'f339d4ce-96b6-4440-a541-28a0fb611139'\n  );"}

iex(2)> IO.puts(formatted_sql)
  id IN (

iex(1)> {:ok, formatted_sql} = SqlFmt.format_query_with_params("select * from help where help.\"col\" in $1;", ["'asdf'"])
{:ok, "SELECT\n  *\nFROM\n  help\nWHERE\n  help.\"col\" IN 'asdf';"}

iex(2)> IO.puts(formatted_sql)
  help."col" IN 'asdf';

Be sure to checkout the HexDocs as you can also provide formatting options to the functions to tailor the output to your

## Supporting SqlFmt

If you rely on this library help you debug your Ecto/SQL queries, it would much appreciated if you can give back
to the project in order to help ensure its continued development.

Checkout my [GitHub Sponsorship page]( if you want to help out!

### Gold Sponsors

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### Silver Sponsors

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### Bronze Sponsors

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## Attribution

- The logo for the project is an edited version of an SVG image from the [unDraw project](
- The SqlFmt library leans on the Rust library [sqlformat-rs]( for SQL
  statement formatting.