# Erlang wrapper for SQLite3
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This library allows you to work with SQLite3 databases from Erlang.
It is compatible with Windows and Linux, and should probably work on other OSes as well.
See also [esqlite](https://github.com/mmzeeman/esqlite) for an alternative library.
## Requirements
Erlang/OTP R14B or later is required (tested up to 17.3 at this writing), and SQLite 3 minimum version is 3.6.1.
## Compiling
### Linux
1. Install SQLite3 by running `sudo apt-get install sqlite3` or the equivalent for your package manager, or by [compiling from the source](http://source.online.free.fr/Linux_HowToCompileSQLite.html).
2. `make`.
### Cross-compiling
If you want to use erlang-sqlite3 on an embedded device, it can be cross-compiled.
1. Cross-compile [SQLite3](http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/wiki?p=HowToCompile) and [Erlang](http://www.erlang.org/doc/installation_guide/INSTALL-CROSS.html).
2. Change variables and paths in `rebar.cross_compile.config.sample` to the desired values and rename it to `rebar.cross_compile.config`.
3. `make cross_compile`.
### Windows with MS Visual C++
To build both SQLite3 and sqlite3-erlang:
1. If MSVC tools (`cl`, `link`, etc.) are not in the path, run `vcvars32.bat` or `vcvars64.bat` depending on whether you use 32-bit or 64-bit Erlang. `build_port_win32.bat` and `build_port_win64.bat` have the standard paths for VC10.0.
2. `nmake`.
Alternately, you can use prebuilt versions of `sqlite3.dll` and `sqlite3.def`. To make `sqlite3.lib`, use `lib /def:sqlite3.def`. Then remove `sqlite3.dll` and `sqlite3.lib` targets from `Makefile` and do as above.
### Potential compilation problems
* If SQLite was built with `SQLITE_OMIT_LOAD_EXTENSION` option, you'll need to undefine `ERLANG_SQLITE3_LOAD_EXTENSION` macro in <c_src/sqlite3_drv.h>.
## Running the test suite
### Linux
`make test`
### Windows
1. `nmake tests`
2. If you get the error `"Error loading sqlite3_drv: The specified module could not be found"`, this is because `sqlite3.dll` isn't in the search path.
## Example usage
See tests `test/sqlite3_test.erl` for a starting point. On Windows note that `sqlite3.dll` must be in your application's working directory or somewhere in the DLL search path.
## Authors