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An Elixir wrapper around [esqlite]( The main aim here is to provide convenient usage of sqlite databases.

Updated to 1.0

With the 1.0 release we made just a single breaking change. `Sqlitex.Query.query` previously returned just the raw query results on success and `{:error, reason}` on failure.
This has been bothering us for a while so we changed it in 1.0 to return `{:ok, results}` on success and `{:error, reason}` on failure.
This should make it easier to pattern match on. The `Sqlitex.Query.query!` function has kept its same functionality of returning bare results on success and raising an error on failure.


The simple way to use sqlitex is just to open a database and run a query

Sqlitex.with_db('test/fixtures/golfscores.sqlite3', fn(db) ->
  Sqlitex.query(db, "SELECT * FROM players ORDER BY id LIMIT 1")
# => [[id: 1, name: "Mikey", created_at: {{2012,10,14},{05,46,28}}, updated_at: {{2013,09,06},{22,29,36}}, type: nil]]

Sqlitex.with_db('test/fixtures/golfscores.sqlite3', fn(db) ->
  Sqlitex.query(db, "SELECT * FROM players ORDER BY id LIMIT 1", into: %{})
# => [%{id: 1, name: "Mikey", created_at: {{2012,10,14},{05,46,28}}, updated_at: {{2013,09,06},{22,29,36}}, type: nil}]

If you want to keep the database open during the lifetime of your project you can use the `Sqlitex.Server` GenServer module.
Here's a sample from a phoenix projects main supervisor definition.
children = [
      # Start the endpoint when the application starts
      worker(Golf.Endpoint, []),

      worker(Sqlitex.Server, ['golf.sqlite3', [name: Sqlitex.Server]])

Now that the GenServer is running you can make queries via
                     "SELECT, g.course_id, g.played_at, AS course
                      FROM games AS g
                      INNER JOIN courses AS c ON g.course_id =
                      ORDER BY g.played_at DESC LIMIT 10")


I am building this package as an attempt to learn more about Elixir and I'll be adding features only as I need them.

I would love to get any feedback I can on how other people might want to use SQlite with Elixir.