# sqlparse - LALR grammar based SQL parser

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**sqlparse** is a production-ready SQL parser written in pure Erlang. 
**sqlparse** is aligned to the Oracle SQL language and enriched with [imem]( and [JSONPath]( specific features.

## 1. Usage

### Example code:

SELECT column_a|:f()|, column_b 
  FROM table_a
 WHERE column_b = 'test'

### Parsing the example code:

1> {ok, {ParseTree, Tokens}} = sqlparse:parsetree_with_tokens("SELECT column_a|:f()|, column_b FROM table_a WHERE column_b = 'test' ORDER BY 2 DESC, 1;").
                {'hierarchical query',{}},
                {'group by',[]},
                {'order by',[{<<"2">>,<<"desc">>},{<<"1">>,<<>>}]}]},

### Access the parse tree of the example code:

2> ParseTree.
           {'hierarchical query',{}},
           {'group by',[]},
           {'order by',[{<<"2">>,<<"desc">>},{<<"1">>,<<>>}]}]},

### Access the token list of the example code:

3> Tokens.

### Compile the code from a parse tree:

4> sqlparse_fold:top_down(sqlparse_format_flat, ParseTree, []).
<<"select column_a|:f()|, column_b from table_a where column_b = 'test' order by 2 desc, 1">>

## 2. Documentation

The documentation for **sqlparse** is available here: [Wiki](

## 3. Contributing

1. Fork it
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create new Pull Request