SQL Parser

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SQL Parsers let you to parse SQL strings to generic SQL records.


If you want to use, only add this in `rebar.config` using [rebar3](

{deps, [
    {sqlparser, "0.3.0"}

The way to use it in the code:


parsing(SQL) ->

You can use two different parsers at this moment: `mysql_parser` and `sql92_parser`. The second one was included from [sqlapi]( Both are intended to do the same but `mysql_parser` is more complete and less prone to fail and `sql92_parser` is faster (a lot more):

1> CompareNew = fun(Q) -> timer:tc(fun() -> sql92_parser:parse(Q) end) end.
2> CompareLegacy = fun(Q) -> timer:tc(fun() -> mysql_parser:parse(Q) end) end.
3> CompareNew("SELECT name, surname, nickname FROM users WHERE country = 'Spain'").
4> CompareLegacy("SELECT name, surname, nickname FROM users WHERE country = 'Spain'").

For the same query `mysql_parser` takes 1803 microseconds (or 1,8 ms) and `sql92` takes 63 microseconds (or 0,06 ms).
