# Squid

Squid is a framework that helps you divide your application into multiple
small contexts and/or applications called `tentacles`.

Each `tentacle` defines its own logic (router, live view ...).

## Installation

This framework is in development and isn't fully ready for production yet.

def deps do
      git: "", tag: "0.3.0"},

## HeadRouter

# config/config.exs

config :squid, tentacles: [:tentacle_a, :tentacle_b]

# apps/tentacle_a/config/config.exs

config :tentacle_a, :squid,
  router: Tentacle1Web.Router

# apps/tentacle_b/config/config.exs

config :tentacle_b, :squid,
  router: Tentacle2Web.Router


> Learn more about `SquidWeb.Router`.

Then create the dynamic router with the following code.

defmodule YourHeadApp do
  use Application

  def start(_type, args) do
    # The next line is REALLY important

    children = []
    Supervisor.start_link(children, strategy: :one_for_one)

> Learn more about squid routing system on the `SquidWeb.Router` module.

## Partials

One of the major feature of Squid is to construct partials using your
tentacles configurations. This is really usefull for building a menu or
any composed view.

# in apps/tentacle_a/config/config.exs
config :tentacle_a, :squid,
  partials: %{
    greetings_builder: {TentacleA.Greetings, priority: 1}

# in apps/tentacle_a/lib/tentacle_a_web/greetings.ex
defmodule TentacleA.Greetings do
  @behaviour SquidWeb.Partial

  def render(assigns) do
    <div>Hello <%= @user_name %> from tentacle A</div>

# in apps/tentacle_b/config/config.exs
config :tentacle_b, :squid,
  partial: %{
    greetings_builder: {TentacleB.Greetings, priority: 2}

# in apps/tentacle_b/lib/tentacle_b_web/greetings.ex
defmodule TentacleB.Greetings do
  @behaviour SquidWeb.Partial

  def render(assigns), do:
    <div>Hello <%= @user_name %> from tentacle B</div>

You could then generate this partial view using the following code

<SquidWeb.Partial.render partial={:greetings_builder} user_name="Squid's King" />

<div>Hello Squid's King from tentacle B</div>
<div>Hello Squid's King from tentacle A</div>

> Learn more about squid partials system on the `SquidWeb.Partial` module.