# Sslcerts

An elixir wrapper to [Let's Encrypt]( and [Certbot]( for SSL certification management.

This library is sufficiently opinionated, so to learn more about how to integrate Let's Encrypt
SSL certs into your project without having to follow the style of this project, please
refer to [Phoenix/Elixir App Secured with Let’s Encrypt](

This wrapper provides two basic functions.

* Create a new certification for your site
* Replace an existing and soon to expiore certification for your site

This is meant to be run on your production server, and as this library expands, will include
managing certifications across multiple boxes.

## Installation

### Command Line (Latest Version)

To install the `sslcerts` command line tool (whose only dependency is Erlang), then
you can [install it using escript](

# Install from GitHub
mix escript.install github capbash/sslcerts

# Install form
mix escript.install hex sslcerts

If you see a warning like

warning: you must append "~/.mix/escripts" to your PATH
if you want to invoke escripts by name

Then, make sure to update your PATH variable.  Here's how on a Mac OS X, but each
[environment is slightly different](

vi ~/.bash_profile

# Add a line like the following
export PATH

Start a new terminal session. You will know it's working when you can *find* it using *where*

where sslcerts

### Command Line (Other Versions)

To install a specific version, branch, tag or commit, adjust any one of the following

# Install from a specific version
mix escript.install hex sslcerts 1.2.3

# Install from the latest of a specific branch
mix escript.install github capbash/sslcerts branch git_branch

# Install from a specific tag
mix escript.install github capbash/sslcerts tag git_tag

# Install from a specific commit
mix escript.install github capbash/sslcerts ref git_ref

Again, checkout [mix escript.install]( for
more information about installing global tasks.

### Mix Tasks

More likley, you will have an Elixir phoenix application and you can
add a dependency to your `mix.exs` file.

@deps [
  {:sslcerts, "~> 0.2.4"},

This will give you access to `sslcerts *` tasks (instead of globally installing
the `sslcerts` escript). You will also have programtic access from your `Sslcerts` module
as well; so you could expose feature directly within your application as well.

## Configure Host

Before you can use the sslcerts, you will need to configure your host / domain name that
you are trying to secure.

Let's say your domain is, then configure it as follows:

    # using escript
    sslcerts init
    sslcerts config host

    # using mix tasks
    sslcerts init
    sslcerts config host

And to confirm it's set, run

    sslcerts config

And the output should look similar to:

    domains: [""]
    email: "YOUR_EMAIL_HERE"
    ini: "/etc/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.ini"
    keysize: 4096

## Available Commands / Tasks

To get help on the available commands, run

    # using escript

    # using mix tasks
    mix sslcerts

The output will look similar to the following

    sslcerts v0.1.0
    sslcerts allows elixir/phoenix apps to easily create SSL certs (using Let's Encrypt and Certbot).

    Available tasks:

    sslcerts config  # Reads, updates or deletes Sslcerts config
    sslcerts create  # Create a new certificate
    sslcerts init    # Initialize your sslcerts config
    sslcerts install # Install / Initialize your server to generate SSL certs
    sslcerts renew   # Renew an existing certificate

    Further information can be found here:

Please note that the mix tasks and sslcerts scripts provide identical functionality,
they are just structured slightly differently.

In general,

* `    sslcerts <sub command> <options> <args>` for mix tasks
* `sslcerts <sub command> <options> <args>` for escript

Make sure that have installed sslcerts correctly for mix tasks (if you want to use mix
tasks), or escript (if you want to use escript).

## Elixir API

These features are also available from within Elixir through `Sslcerts` modules,
this gives you better programatic access to return data (presented as a map),
but in most cases probably is not required to automate your infrastructure.

If we start an iEX session in your project that includes the sslcerts dependency,
you can access the same information in Elixir.

    iex> Sslcerts.config
    %{email: "YOUR_EMAIL_HERE",
      domains: [""]}

This is the first release, which just manages the configs.  Concrete implemetation
(and supporting documentation) coming soon.

The underlying configs are stored in `Sslcerts.Worker` ([OTP GenServer](
If you change your configurations and need them reloaded, then call
and can be reloaded using

    iex> Sslcerts.reload

## License

MIT License