# Stack
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A simple yet complete implementation of a Stack data structure in Elixir.
## Basic usage
# You have a stack with three entries, `3` being the topmost item
|> Stack.push(1)
|> Stack.push(2)
|> Stack.push(3)
# You can pop entries from the stack
{:ok, {stack, 3}} = Stack.pop(stack)
{:ok, {stack, 2}} = Stack.pop(stack)
{:ok, {stack, 1}} = Stack.pop(stack)
{:error, :empty} = Stack.pop(stack)
{_stack, 3} = Stack.pop!(stack)
# You can look at the topmost item without altering the stack
Stack.peek(stack) # {:ok, 3}
Stack.peek!(stack) # 3
# You can get the first item of the stack
Stack.head(stack) # {:ok, 1}
Stack.head!(stack) # 1
# You can get the size of the stack
Stack.size(stack) # 3
# You can convert the stack into a list
Stack.to_list(stack) # [1, 2, 3]
## Advanced usage
stack = Stack.from_list([1, 2, 3, 4])
# Find the first entry that matches your criteria
Stack.find(stack, fn item -> rem(item, 2) == 0 end) # 2
# Reduce the entries
Stack.reduce(stack, fn item, acc -> item + acc, 0) # 10
# Filter (or reject) entries
Stack.filter(stack, fn item -> rem(item, 2) == 0 end) # %Stack{entries: [2, 4]}
Stack.reject(stack, fn item -> rem(item, 2) == 0 end) # %Stack{entries: [1, 3]}
# Remove entries
Stack.remove(stack, fn item -> item <= 2 end) # %Stack{entries: [3, 4]}
## Installation
Just add `stack` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:stack, "~> 1.0"}