# startest

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🌠 A testing framework to help you shoot for the stars.

## Installation

gleam add --dev startest

## Usage

import startest.{describe, it}
import startest/expect

// Inside of `test/my_project_test.gleam`:
pub fn main() {
  // Call `` inside of your `main` function.
  // Here we're using the default config, but you can customize this, as needed.

// Tests can be expressed using the `describe` API:
pub fn my_project_tests() {
  describe("My Project", [
    describe("2 + 2", [
      it("equals 4", fn() {
        2 + 2
        |> expect.to_equal(4)

// You can also write tests as standalone functions.
// These functions must be public and have a name ending in `_test`:
pub fn a_standalone_test() {
  { "Hello, " <> "Joe!" }
  |> expect.to_equal("Hello, Joe!")

## Targets

`startest` supports both targets: Erlang and JavaScript.