defmodule Statechart do
[_ignored_intro, usage_section, _ignored] =
"" |>!() |> String.split(~r/<!---.*moduledoc.*-->/, parts: 3)
@external_resource ""
@moduledoc usage_section
alias Statechart.Build.AccStep
alias Statechart.Build.MacroState
alias Statechart.Build.MacroChart
alias Statechart.Build.MacroOpts
alias Statechart.Build.MacroTransition
alias Statechart.Build.MacroSubchart
alias Statechart.Build.MacroTransition
alias Statechart.Machine
alias Statechart.Schema.Location
@type t(context) :: %Statechart.Machine{
# LATER i don't like this key name
statechart_module: atom(),
context: context,
current_local_id: local_id(),
last_event_status: :ok | :error
@opaque local_id :: Location.local_id()
@opaque t :: t(term)
@type event :: term()
@type state :: atom()
@type action :: (context() -> context()) | (() -> :ok)
@type context :: term
defmacro __using__(_opts) do
quote do
import Statechart,
only: [
statechart: 0,
statechart: 1,
statechart: 2,
subchart_new: 1,
subchart_new: 2
require MacroChart
require AccStep
@doc section: :build
@doc """
Create a statechart node.
arity-1 (name only)
statechart do
state :my_only_state
arity-2 (name and opts)
statechart do
state :state_with_opts, entry: fn -> IO.inspect "hello!" end
exit: fn -> IO.inspect "bye" end
arity-2 (name and do block)
statechart do
state :parent_state do
state :child_state
arity-3 (name and opts and do-block)
statechart do
state :parent_state,
entry: fn -> IO.inspect("hello!") end,
exit: fn -> IO.inspect("bye") end do
state :child_state
module's statechart.
The way to have multiple nodes sharing the same name is to define statechart
partials in separate module and then insert those partials into a parent statechart.
@spec state(state(), Keyword.t(), term()) :: term
defmacro state(name, opts, do_block)
defmacro state(name, opts, do: block), do: MacroState.build_ast(name, opts, block)
@doc """
Create a statechart node.
See `state/3` for details
@doc section: :build
@spec state(state(), Keyword.t() | term()) :: term
defmacro state(name, opts_or_do_block \\ [])
defmacro state(name, do: block), do: MacroState.build_ast(name, [], block)
defmacro state(name, opts), do: MacroState.build_ast(name, opts, nil)
@doc section: :build
@doc """
Create and register a statechart to this module.
defmodule ToggleStatechart do
use Statechart
statechart do
state :on, default: true, do: :TOGGLE >>> :off
state :off, do: :TOGGLE >>> :on
@doc section: :build
defmacro statechart(opts, do_block)
defmacro statechart(opts, do: block), do: MacroChart.build_ast(:statechart, opts, block)
@doc """
Create or register a statechart to this module.
See `statechart/2` for details.
@doc section: :build
defmacro statechart(opts_or_do_block \\ [])
defmacro statechart(do: block), do: MacroChart.build_ast(:statechart, [], block)
defmacro statechart(opts), do: MacroChart.build_ast(:statechart, opts, nil)
# FutureFeature
@doc false
# Inject a chart defined in another module.
# ## `StatechartError` raised when...
# - `subchart/2` is passed anything besides the name of a module that containing a `statechart/2` call
# - `state/2` is called outside of a `statechart` block
defmacro subchart(name, module, opts \\ [], do_block \\ [do: nil])
defmacro subchart(name, module, opts, do: block) do
MacroSubchart.build_ast(name, module, opts, block)
# LATER rename to subchart, add doc, and make public
# have to then remove the current subchart and absorb its functionality into `state`
_doc = """
@doc false
defmacro subchart_new(), do: MacroChart.build_ast(:subchart, [], nil)
@doc false
defmacro subchart_new(do: block), do: MacroChart.build_ast(:subchart, [], block)
defmacro subchart_new(opts) do
MacroChart.build_ast(:subchart, opts, nil)
@doc false
defmacro subchart_new(opts, block), do: MacroChart.build_ast(:subchart, opts, block)
@doc section: :build
@doc """
Register a transtion from an event and target state.
defmacro event >>> target_state do
MacroTransition.build_ast(event, target_state)
@doc section: :manipulate
@doc """
Get current context data.
@spec context(t(context)) :: context when context: var
defdelegate context(statechart), to: Machine
@doc false
defmacro root() do
quote do: __MODULE__
@doc section: :manipulate
@doc """
Send an event to the statechart
@spec trigger(t(context), event) :: t(context) when context: var
defdelegate trigger(statechart, event), to: Machine
@doc section: :manipulate
@doc """
Determine if the given state is in the given compound state
@spec in_state?(t, state) :: boolean
defdelegate in_state?(statechart, state), to: Machine
@doc section: :manipulate
@doc """
Returns `:ok` if last event was valid and caused a transition
@spec last_event_status(t) :: :ok | :error
defdelegate last_event_status(statechart), to: Machine
@doc section: :manipulate
@doc """
Get the current compound state
@spec states(t) :: [state]
defdelegate states(statechart), to: Machine, as: :states