# Stationary

Stationary generates static blogs from EEx templates and Markdown posts.

## Prerequisites

- [Elixir](

## Getting Started

Use `mix` to create a new Elixir project.

$ mix new blog
$ cd blog

Add Stationary as a dependency in `mix.exs`.

defp deps do
  [{:stationary, "~> 1.0.0"}]

Use mix to download dependencies and compile your project.

blog $ mix deps.get
blog $ mix compile

## Bootstrapping

Generate a starter site in `lib/stationary`.

blog $ mix stationary.bootstrap

## Building

Stationary looks in `lib/stationary` for source files to build.

blog $ mix

## Serving

Stationary can run a server on [localhost:1234](http://localhost:1234).

blog $ mix stationary.serve

## Hosting

Stationary sites can be served from any static host by pointing a domain
at the published directory.

## Configuration

The `public` config variable controls where your site builds.

> This is useful for hosting on a static server.
> For example, Github Pages will serve your site out of `/docs`.

config :stationary, public: "pub"