# Still
Still is a static site generator for Elixir.
We designed Still to be simple to use and easy to extend.
There's no JavaScript.
For more information please read the [documentation][docs].
## Installation
### For new projects
`mix archive.install hex still` to install it on your system. You only need to do this once.
Then you can create new static websites by running `mix still.new my_site`. That's it!
### Adding to an existing project
Add `still` as a dependency in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:still, "~> 0.0.1"}
Open up `config.exs` and set the input and output folders:
config :still,
input: Path.join(Path.dirname(__DIR__), "priv/site"),
output: Path.join(Path.dirname(__DIR__), "_site")
Create a file `index.slime` in the input folder.
For more information please visit the [website](https://subvisual.github.io/still/).
## About
Still was created and is maintained with :heart: by [Subvisual](http://subvisual.com).
## License
Still is released under the [ISC License](./LICENSE).
[docs]: https://subvisual.github.io/still/
[sub-logo]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/subvisual/guides/master/github/templates/logos/blue.png