# Storex
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Frontend store with the state on the backend. You are able to mutate store state from the frontend and also from the backend. Whole communication going through WebSocket.
**Important:** Storex is under active development. Report issues and send proposals [here](https://github.com/nerdslabs/storex/issues/new).
Only diff of the store state is being sent on each mutation.
## Basic usage
### Installation
Add **storex** to deps in `mix.exs`:
defp deps do
[{:storex, "~> 0.4.0"}]
Also you need to add **storex** to `package.json` dependencies:
"storex": "file:../deps/storex",
### Add storex websocket handler
You need to add handler `Storex.Handler.Plug` or `Storex.Handler.Cowboy`.
defmodule YourAppWeb.Endpoint do
use Phoenix.Endpoint, otp_app: :your_app
plug Storex.Plug, path: "/storex"
# ...
{:_, [
# ...
{"/storex", Storex.Handler.Cowboy, []},
# ...
### Create store
To create a store you need to create new elixir module with `init/2` which is called when a page is loaded, every time websocket is connected it generates session_id and passes it as the first argument, params are from Javascript store declaration. `init/2` callback need to return one of this tuples:
- `{:ok, state}` - for initial state
- `{:ok, state, key}` - for initial state with `key` which can be used as selector for future mutations
- `{:error, reason}` - to send error message to frontend on initialization
Next, you can declare `mutation/5` where the first argument is mutation name, second is data passed to mutation, next two params are same like in `init/2`, the last one is the current state of the store.
defmodule ExampleApp.Store.Counter do
use Storex.Store
def init(session_id, params) do
{:ok, 0}
# `increase` is mutation name, `data` is payload from front-end, `session_id` is current session id of connecton, `initial_params` with which store was initialized, `state` is store current state.
def mutation("increase", _data, _session_id, _initial_params, state) do
state = state + 1
{:noreply, state}
def mutation("decrease", _data, _session_id, _initial_params, state) do
state = state - 1
{:reply, "message", state}
def mutation("set", [number], _session_id, _initial_params, state) do
{:noreply, number}
### Connect to store
You have to connect the newly created store with a frontend side to be able to synchronise the state: `params` are passed as second argument in store `init/2` and as third in `mutation/5`. You can subscribe to changes inside store state by passing option `subscribe` with function as a value.
import Storex from 'storex'
const store = new Storex({
store: 'ExampleApp.Store.Counter',
params: {},
subscribe: (state) => {
onConnected() {
onError(error) {
console.log('error', error)
onDisconnected(closeEvent) {
console.log('disconnected', closeEvent)
### Mutate store
You can mutate store from javascript with store instance:
store.commit("decrease").then((response) => {
response // Reply from elixir
store.commit("set", 10)
Or directly from elixir:
Storex.mutate(store, "increase", [])
Storex.mutate(store, "set", [10])
Storex.mutate(key, store, "increase", [])
Storex.mutate(key, store, "set", [10])
### Subscribe to store changes
You can subscribe to store state changes in javascript with function subscribe:
store.subscribe((state) => {
const state = state
You can also subscribe to events after store is created:
store.onConnected(() => {
store.onError((error) => {
console.log('error', error)
store.onDisconnected((closeEvent) => {
console.log('disconnected', closeEvent)
## Configuration
### Session id generation library
You can change library which generate session id for stores. Module needs to have **generate/0** method.
config :storex, :session_id_library, Ecto.UUID
### Default params
You can set default params for all stores in Javascript which will be passed to store.
Storex.defaults.params = {
jwt: 'someJWT'
### Custom store address
Storex.defaults.address = 'localhost/stores'