# Strava

Elixir wrapper for the [Strava API]( (V3).

All calls to the Strava API require an `access_token` defining the athlete and application making the call. Any registered Strava user can obtain an `access_token` by first creating an application at [](

MIT License

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## Installation

  1. Add `strava` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

  def deps do
    [{:strava, "~> 0.1"}]

  2. Ensure `strava` is included in your applications:

  def application do
    [applications: [:strava]]

## Usage

Add the following `strava` configuration settings to each environment's mix config file.

Enter your Strava application settings as shown on

# config/dev.exs
use Mix.Config

config :strava,
  client_id: <client id>,
  client_secret: "<client secret>",
  access_token: "<access token>",
  redirect_uri: "<redirect url>"

### Clubs

#### Retrieve a club

club = Strava.Club.retrieve(7289)

#### List club members

members = Strava.Club.list_members(7289, %Strava.Pagination{per_page: 20, page: 1})

#### Stream club members

member_stream = Strava.Club.stream_members(7289)
|> Enum.to_list

### Segments

#### Retrieve a segment

segment = Strava.Segment.retrieve(229781)

#### List segment efforts

segment_efforts = Strava.Segment.list_efforts(229781)

#### List segment efforts filtered by athlete

segment_efforts = Strava.Segment.list_efforts(229781, %{athlete_id: 5287})

#### List segment efforts filtered by start and end dates

segment_efforts = Strava.Segment.list_efforts(229781, %{
  start_date_local: "2014-01-01T00:00:00Z",
  end_date_local: "2014-01-01T23:59:59Z"

#### Stream segment efforts filtered by start and end dates

segment_efforts = Strava.Segment.stream_efforts(229781, %{
  start_date_local: "2014-01-01T00:00:00Z",
  end_date_local: "2014-01-01T23:59:59Z"
|> Enum.to_list

### Segment efforts

#### Retrieve segment effort

segment_effort = Strava.SegmentEffort.retrieve(269990681)

### Activities

#### Retrieve an activity

activity = Strava.Activity.retrieve(746805584)

## Testing

To run the entire test suite, create a file called `config/test.secret.exs` with the following:

# config/test.secret.exs
use Mix.Config

config :strava,
  access_token: "<access token>"

and run:

$ mix test

## Contributing

Pull requests to contribute new or improved features, and extend documentation are most welcome.

Please follow the existing coding conventions, or refer to the Elixir style guide.

You should include unit tests to cover any changes.

### Contributors

- [Eric Thomas](