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# Steaming Metrics

## Description

A library that interfaces with several metric recording backends.

## Installation

To add to your mix dependencies, add the following block to your mix.exs deps:

def deps do
    {:streaming_metrics, "~> 2.1.6"}

## Usage

This library can record metrics to AWS CloudWatch, Prometheus, or to the console. To specify this, put something like the below in your environment config file.
config :my_app,
  metric_collector: StreamingMetrics.ConsoleMetricCollector

config :my_app,
  metric_collector: StreamingMetrics.PrometheusMetricCollector


config :my_app,
  metric_collector: StreamingMetrics.AwsMetricCollector

Each collector implementation has two functions: 

- `record_metrics/2` takes an array of metrics and a namespace.
 - `count_metrics/3` takes an integer, a namespace, an optional array of dimensions (ex: `[{"DimensionName", "some dimension value"}]`), and an optional timestamp.

 ## License

SmartCity is released under the Apache 2.0 license - see the license at [](