# Stripe [](https://semaphoreci.com/sikanhe/stripe-elixir) #
Stripe API client for Elixir. [Documentation](https://hexdocs.pm/stripe_elixir/api-reference.html)
- Everything except for Relay features are complete and tested.
- Looking for more contributors/maintainers for this project, currently need help with documentation.
## Installation
1. Add `stripe` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
[{:stripe, "~> 0.7.0", hex: :stripe_elixir}]
2. (Pre-Elixir 1.4) Ensure `stripe` is started before your application:
def application do
[applications: [:stripe]]
3. Make sure your stripe secret_key is added to your config file:
config :stripe, :secret_key, <YOUR_SECRET_KEY>
4. Alternatively, you can also set the secret key as an environment variable:
## Basic Usage
This lib closely follows the official Ruby Client API.
Returns {:ok, RESPONSE_BODY} when the request is successful.
{:error, %ERROR_STRUCT{}} tuples are returned when there is a request/api error
See all error types at https://stripe.com/docs/api/ruby#errors
## Some Basic Examples
Create a customer
{:ok, %{"id" => "cus_asdfghjkl"} =
Stripe.Customer.create(email: "example@gmail.com")
Note that either KeywordLists or Maps with either String or Atom keys are acceptable for arguments and options. So all of the following would also work:
Stripe.Customer.create(%{email: "example@gmail.com"})
Stripe.Customer.create(%{"email" => "example@gmail.com"})
Stripe.Customer.create([{"email", "example@gmail.com"}])
Retrieve that customer:
{:ok, customer} = Stripe.Customer.retrieve("cus_asdfghjkl")
Update the customer:
{:ok, %{"metadata" => %{"somedata" => "somevalue"}}} =
Stripe.Customer.update("cus_asdfghjkl", metadata: [somedata: "somevalue"])
Delete the customer
{:ok, %{"deleted" => true}} = Stripe.Customer.delete("cus_asdfghjkl")
## Stripe Connect
To perform a Direct Charge on a connected stripe account, simply pass :stripe_account as an option
Stripe.Charge.create([customer: "cus_asdfghjkl", amount: 400], stripe_account: "acct_sOMeAcCountId")
#### Generate a Connect authorization url via `Stripe.Connect.authorize_url/1`.
redirect_uri: <OPTIONAL CALLBACK URL>,
#### Options:
- `redirect_uri`: An optional callback url after authorization succeeds.
- `state`: You can protect your request from CSRF attacks by passing a csrf token.
- `client_id`: You can pass in an optional client_id to be used for this url. Defaults to `STRIPE_CLIENT_ID` environment variable or `config :stripe, :client_id` config value.
## Handling Webhooks
Stripe uses webhooks to notify your web app with events. `Stripe.Webhook` provides `construct_event/3` to authenticate the requests, which can be useful in plugs.
payload = # HTTP content body (e.g. from Plug.Conn.read_body/3)
signature = # 'Stripe-Signature' HTTP header (e.g. from Plug.Conn.get_req_header/2)
secret = # Provided by Stripe
case Stripe.Webhook.construct_event(payload, signature, secret) do
{:ok, event} ->
# Return 2XX
{:error, %Stripe.SignatureVerificationError{}} ->
# Return non-2XX and handle error
The default tolerance is 5 minutes (300 seconds as per official libraries). If your app is rejecting requests because the tolerance is too low, consider passing a higher number to `construct_event/4`.
Stripe.Webhook.construct_event(payload, signature, secret, 600)