# Strom
## Composable components for stream processing
### Strom provides a set of abstractions for creating, routing and modifying streams of data.
#### Something to read:
[Composable components for complex event processing](https://medium.com/@anton-mishchuk/composable-components-for-complex-event-processing-61fea21dee5d) - the Meduim article with some theory.
[Strom — composable components for stream processing](https://medium.com/@anton-mishchuk/strom-composable-components-for-stream-processing-cf9fe49b5f0c) - some details of implementation.
## Notation
<img src="images/components.png" alt="Implicit components" width="800"/>
In the "mermaid" notation, I suggest the following shapes:
- circles for a sink and a source.
- diamonds for a mixer and a splitter.
- simple rectangle for a transformer.
- rounded rectangle for a composite.
See the example below.
graph LR;
source(("source")) --> mixer{{"mixer"}}
mixer{{"mixer"}} --> transformer["transformer"]
transformer["transformer"] --> composite(["composite"])
composite(["composite"]) --> splitter{{"splitter"}}
splitter{{"splitter"}} --> sink(("sink"))
## Hello, World!
graph LR;
source(("IO.gets")) --> transformer["greeting"]
transformer["greeting"] --> sink(("IO.puts"))
io_gets = Strom.Source.IOGets.new()
source = :stream |> Strom.Source.new(io_gets)
function = fn string -> "Hello, #{string}!" end
transformer = :stream |> Strom.Transformer.new(function)
io_puts = Strom.Sink.IOPuts.new()
sink = :stream |> Strom.Sink.new(io_puts, true)
greeter = Strom.Composite.new([source, transformer, sink])
greeter = Strom.Composite.start(greeter)
Strom.Composite.call(%{}, greeter)
Add see:
iex(13)> Strom.Composite.call(%{}, greeter)
IOGets> world
Hello, world!
#### The "flow" data-structure
One can see an empty map as the first argument in Strom.Composite.call(%{}, greeter).
Strom components operate with "flow" - a named set of streams. It's a map with streams as values and their names as keys:
For example:
flow = %{
stream1: Stream.cycle([1, 2, 3]),
stream2: ["a", "b", "c"]
A flow can be empty - `%{}`.
A source adds a new stream to flow. A sink runs the stream of the given name and removes it from the flow.
A mixer mixes several streams into one. A splitter does the opposite.
A transformer modifies a stream (or streams).
## A more sophisticated example
### The problem
There are two streams of integer numbers. One has to sum pairs of numbers from each stream respectively,
then produce two steams: one with the odd numbers, another - with the even ones.
### Solution
The flow chart for a possible solution:
graph LR;
source1(("numbers1")) --> round_robin(["round-robin mixer"])
source2(("numbers1")) --> round_robin(["round-robin mixer"])
round_robin(["round-robin-mixer"]) --> sum["sum pairs"]
sum["sum pairs"] --> spitter{{"split odd-even"}}
spitter{{"split odd-even"}} --> sink_odd(("puts odd"))
spitter{{"split odd-even"}} --> sink_even(("puts even"))
#### Components
The sources' origins here will be just simple lists of numbers.
See [sources](https://github.com/antonmi/Strom/blob/main/lib/source/) for other examples of sources. It's easy to implement a custom source.
source1 = Strom.Source.new(:numbers1, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
source2 = Strom.Source.new(:numbers2, [10, 20, 30, 40, 50])
Sinks will use simple IOPuts origin. See more examples here: [sinks](https://github.com/antonmi/Strom/blob/main/lib/sink/)
origin_odd = Strom.Sink.IOPuts.new("odd: ")
sink_odd = Strom.Sink.new(:odd, origin_odd)
origin_even = Strom.Sink.IOPuts.new("even: ")
sink_even = Strom.Sink.new(:even, origin_even)
Now comes a tricky part - the round-robin mixer. It's a composite component that has four components inside:
graph LR;
add_label1["add label :first"] --> mixer{{"mix"}}
add_label2["add label :second"] --> mixer{{"mix"}}
mixer{{"mix"}} --> emit_when_have_both["emit when have both"]
The round-robin mixer first adds labels to each event in order to now from which stream comes a number. Then it mixes streams.
The last transformer will wait until it has numbers from both streams and then emits a pair of events.
defmodule RoundRobinMixer do
alias Strom.{Mixer, Transformer}
def add_label(event, label) do
{[{event, label}], label}
def call({number, label}, acc) do
[another] = Enum.reject(Map.keys(acc), &(&1 == label))
case Map.fetch!(acc, another) do
[hd | tl] ->
{[hd, number], Map.put(acc, another, tl)}
[] ->
numbers = Map.fetch!(acc, label)
{[], Map.put(acc, label, numbers ++ [number])}
def components() do
Transformer.new(:first, &__MODULE__.add_label/2, :first),
Transformer.new(:second, &__MODULE__.add_label/2, :second),
Mixer.new([:first, :second], :numbers),
Transformer.new(:numbers, &__MODULE__.call/2, %{first: [], second: []})
round_robin = Strom.Composite.new(RoundRobinMixer.components())
The "sum pairs" transformer is simple. It will save the first number in the accumulator and waits for the second one to produce the sum.
function = fn number, acc ->
if acc do
{[number + acc], nil}
{[], number}
sum_pairs = Strom.Transformer.new(:numbers, function, nil)
The splitter will split the `:numbers` stream into two streams: `:odd` and `:even`.
splitter = Strom.Splitter.new(:numbers, %{odd: &(rem(&1, 2) == 1), even: &(rem(&1, 2) == 0)})
Ok, it's almost done. One thing that you may have noticed - the sources produce `:numbers1` and `:number2` streams.
However, the round-robin composite operates with the `:first` and `:second` streams. One should simply rename the streams in flow.
There is the `Renamer` component:
renamer = Strom.Renamer.new(%{numbers1: :first, numbers2: :second})
Ok. Now, we are ready to combine all the components. There will be another composite.
final_composite = [
] |> Strom.Composite.new()
Now, just start it and call on an empty flow:
final_composite = Strom.Composite.start(final_composite)
Strom.Composite.call(%{}, final_composite)
Add see something like that in console:
iex(18)> Strom.Composite.call(%{}, final_composite)
even: 22
odd: 11
even: 44
odd: 33
odd: 55
## More info:
Read `@moduledoc` for components.
See [examples](https://github.com/antonmi/Strom/blob/main/test/examples/) in tests.