# StrongMigrations

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**Catch unsafe migrations in your Elixir application**

## Table of Contents
* [What is it?](#what-is-it)
* [How to install?](#how-to-install)
* [How to configure?](#how-to-configure)
* [Similar packages](#similar-packages)

## What is it
`strong_migrations` is a library that protects your application from invoking unsafe migrations, they needs to be marked as a safe.
1. Analyze migrations if they are safe.
2. If migrations are unsafe -> print errors.
3. If migrations are safe -> use `ecto.migrate`.


#### Features
- checking if your migrations are adding an index concurrently in transaction
- checking if your migrations are adding an index but not concurrently
- checking if your migrations are removing an index concurrently in transaction
- checking if your migrations are renaming columns (it's always better to remove old and add new column)
- checking if your migrations are removing columns
- checking if your migrations are removing tables
- mark `safety assured do: drop table(:posts)` or multiline when you're sure it's safe
... tbd

## How to install
The package can be installed by adding `strong_migrations` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs` as follows. Also, it's worth adding an alias like: `ecto.migrate -> strong_migrations.migrate` and thanks to that you'll be sure that all migrations were checked before running.

Update your `mix.exs`:
def deps do
    {:strong_migrations, "~> 0.1"}

## How to configure
If you want to specify which classifiers you want to use, please add to your `config.exs` following lines
config :strong_migrations,
  classifiers: [

If you want to specify migration paths available in your project (not default -> `priv/repo/migrations`), please add to your `config.exs` following lines
config :strong_migrations,
  migration_paths: [

## Similar Packages
* (Ruby)