# StrongParams

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Inspired by Ruby on Rails Strong Parameters. It filters request params keeping only explicitly enumerated parameters.

In addition, parameters can be marked as required and flow through a controller fallback flow to end up as a 400 Bad Request with no effort.

## Installation

Add `StrongParams` to your application


def deps do
    {:strong_params, "~> 0.2.2"}

Update deps

mix deps.get

## Usage

`StrongParams` uses macros to apply the parameters filter. You must `use` _StrongParams_
in each controller you want filter parameters. The better way is using _StrongParams_
in you Phoenix App entrypoint inside `controller/0` block (it must be add after
use `Phoenix.Controller`).


defmodule YourPhoenixApp do

  def controller do
    quote do
      use Phoenix.Controller, namespace: YourPhoenixApp
      use StrongParams



Then you can use macro `filter_for/2` inside your controller to apply the filters
for each action.

defmodule YourPhoenixApp.UserController do
  use YourPhoenixApp, :controller

  alias YourPhoenixApp.User

  filter_for(:create, required: [:name, :email], permitted: [:nickname])

  def create(conn, %{name: _, email: _} = params) do

    user = %User{}
      |> User.changeset(params)
      |> Repo.insert()

    render(conn, user: user)


In above example, once `filter_for/2` is defined for action `create` the second
argument received in action will be the filtered request parameters. The map `params`
has atomized keys, once the filter is defined as `atoms` (the lib don't create new atoms).

If some parameter enumerated as required is missing in received request the `Plug.Conn`
will be halted with status code `400` and a generic error message. If you add an
action fallback you can handle the filter error:

defmodule YourPhoenixApp.UserController do
  use YourPhoenixApp, :controller


  filter_for(:create, required: [:name, :email], permitted: [:nickname])



defmodule YourPhoenixApp.Fallback do
  alias StrongParams.Error

  def call(conn, %Error{errors: errors}) do
    send_resp(conn, 400, "Your custom msg #{inpect(errors)}")

You must call `filter_for/2` for each action you want to filter the params.

filter_for(:create, required: [:name, :email], permitted: [:nickname])
filter_for(:update, permitted: [:name, :email, :nickname])

## Contributing

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## License

[Apache License, Version 2.0](LICENSE) © [Finbits](