# StructuredIO

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[<img alt="Hex release" src="" />][Hex-release]

*StructuredIO* resembles Elixir’s [*IO*][HexDocs-Elixir-IO] module. The
difference is that whereas *IO* gives you sequential access to a freeform stream
of bytes or lines of data, *StructuredIO* guarantees that when you read data it
conforms to a structure that you specify. That is to say, only complete data
elements are read, so that your application can more easily handle truncated or
streaming application data.

Among other applications, you may find *StructuredIO* useful for reassembling
data that arrives in streaming fashion over TCP.

**See what’s changed lately by reading
[the project history][GitHub-project-history].**

## Usage

Here’s a contrived example that shows how to write to and read structured data
using the `StructuredIO.write` and `.read_*` functions. This example depicts
Unicode data, but binary data of any kind can be written and read, too. See
[the API reference][HexDocs-project-API-reference] for detailed examples.

iex> {:ok,
...>  structured_io} = StructuredIO.start_link(:unicode)

Now we have a running *StructuredIO* process that expects properly encoded
Unicode data.

iex> StructuredIO.write structured_io,
...>                    "  <p>foo</p"

We’ve written some markup to the stream. Note that the `<p>` element is preceded
by whitespace and is not properly closed.

iex> StructuredIO.read_across structured_io,
...>                          "<p>",
...>                          "</p>"

No `<p>` element is read because the stream doesn’t begin with a `<p>`.

iex> StructuredIO.read_to structured_io,
...>                      "<p>"
"  "
iex> StructuredIO.read_across structured_io,
...>                          "<p>",
...>                          "</p>"

We managed to get past the whitespace, but no `<p>` element is read because the
stream doesn’t contain a complete element.

iex> StructuredIO.write structured_io,
...>                    "><hr /><p>bar</p>"

Now the first element is properly closed, and a second complete element has been
written to the stream.

iex> StructuredIO.read_across structured_io,
...>                          "<p>",
...>                          "</p>"
iex> StructuredIO.read_through structured_io,
...>                           "<hr />"
"<hr />"
iex> StructuredIO.read_between structured_io,
...>                           "<p>",
...>                           "</p>"

We’ve read one element at a time from the available data in the stream. The read
operations demonstrate both seeking and skipping.

iex> StructuredIO.read_across structured_io,
...>                          "<p>",
...>                          "</p>"

No more elements can be read unless more data is written to the stream.

iex> collector = StructuredIO.collect(structured_io)
iex> ["<p>baz</p>",
...>  "<p>qux</p>",
...>  "<p>quux</p>"]
...> |> Enum.into(collector)
iex> structured_io
...> |> StructuredIO.enumerate_with(:read_between,
...>                                "<p>",
...>                                "</p>")
...> |>

You can use Elixir’s [*Collectable*][HexDocs-Elixir-Collectable] protocol to
**pipe data into the process** instead of performing individual write
operations. Likewise, you can also use Elixir’s
[*Enumerable*][HexDocs-Elixir-Enumerable] protocol to **pipe data elements out
of the process** instead of performing individual read operations.

iex> StructuredIO.stop structured_io

Don’t forget to stop the process when you’re finished using the stream.

You’ll find more detailed examples in
[the documentation][HexDocs-project-API-reference] for the *StructuredIO*

## Installation

Install [the Hex package][Hex-release] by adding `:structured_io` to the list of
dependencies in your project’s *mix.exs* file:

# mix.exs

# ...
def deps do
    {:structured_io, "~> 0.6.0"}
# ...

## Contributing

To submit a patch to the project:

1. [Fork][GitHub-fork-project] the official repository.
2. Create your feature branch: `git checkout -b my-new-feature`.
3. Commit your changes: `git commit -am 'Add some feature'`.
4. Push to the branch: `git push origin my-new-feature`.
5. [Create][GitHub-compare-project-branches] a new pull request.

After cloning the repository, `mix deps.get` to install dependencies. Then
`mix test` to run the tests. You can also `iex` to get an interactive prompt
that will allow you to experiment. To build this package, `mix`.

To release a new version:

1. Update [the project history in **][GitHub-project-history], and
   then commit.
2. Update the version number in [*mix.exs*][GitHub-mix-dot-exs-file] respecting
   [Semantic Versioning][Semantic-Versioning], update
   [the “Installation” section](#installation) of
   [this readme][GitHub-readme-dot-md-file] to reference the new version, and
   then commit.
3. Build and publish [the Hex package][Hex-release] with `mix hex.publish`.
4. Tag with a name like `vMAJOR.MINOR.PATCH` corresponding to the new version,
   and then push commits and tags.

## License

Released under the [MIT License][GitHub-project-MIT-License].

[Travis-CI-build-status]:                             "Travis CI build status for ‘StructuredIO’"
[Coveralls-test-coverage-status]:                  "Coveralls test coverage status"
[Hex-release]:                                                   "Hex release of ‘StructuredIO’"
[HexDocs-Elixir-IO]:                                                 "Elixir’s ‘IO’ module at HexDocs"
[HexDocs-Elixir-Collectable]:                                   "Elixir’s ‘Collectable’ protocol at HexDocs"
[HexDocs-Elixir-Enumerable]:                                    "Elixir’s ‘Enumerable’ protocol at HexDocs"
[HexDocs-project-API-reference]:                          "‘StructuredIO’ API reference at HexDocs"
[GitHub-project-history]:             "‘StructuredIO’ project history"
[GitHub-fork-project]:                                  "Fork the official repository of ‘StructuredIO’"
[GitHub-compare-project-branches]:                            "Compare branches of ‘StructuredIO’ repositories"
[GitHub-mix-dot-exs-file]:                "‘StructuredIO’ project ‘mix.exs’ file"
[GitHub-readme-dot-md-file]: "‘StructuredIO’ project ‘’ file"
[GitHub-project-MIT-License]:             "MIT License claim for ‘StructuredIO’"