# Stump

Stump is an Elixir log wrapper that allows you to pass Maps into the built in Logger function, returning them in a JSON format and outputting to a file in Production mode.
Providing you with the ability to write more descriptive log messages and send logs to services expecting logs in the json/map format.
The library is not limited to maps, it can also take in strings and create JSON formatted log messages.

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `stump` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:stump, "~> 0.1.0"}

Documentation can be found at [](

## Usage
Once the package has been installed into your project, the following usage is recommended:

  def foo do
    Stump.log(:error, %{message: "Error Logged"})

Providing you with output in this format:
  {"message":"Error Logged","level":"error","datetime":"2019-03-06T12:18:24.179731Z"}

You can also pass in strings if you would prefer not to use maps:

  Stump.log(:error, "Error Logged")
  {"message":"Error Logged","level":"error","datetime":"2019-03-06T12:21:52.661587Z"}

It can also be nicely used in conjuction with libraries such as [HTTPoison](

  def process(_, {:error, %HTTPoison.Error{reason: reason}}) do
    Stump.log(:error, %{message: "Failed to process HTTP request, reason: #{reason}", event: "HTTPoison.Error"})
    {:error, reason}

## Configuration

The default configuration for this will simply log to the console, if you would like to configure it you can simply edit your `config.exs` file.
It is worth noting that you must keep the format as `format: "$message\n"` with whichever logging backend you choose to use otherwise you will get duplication of information.

If for example you would like to Log to a file the following configuration would be recommended:

- First edit your `mix.exs` and add the LoggerFileBackend

  defp deps do
      {:logger_file_backend, "~> 0.0.10"}

- Run mix deps.get

- Edit your `config.exs`

config :logger,
  backends: [{LoggerFileBackend, :file}]

config :logger, :file,
  path: "/var/log/my_app/error.log",
  format: "$message\n",
  level: :debug