# Stytch
An Elixir API client for [Stytch](https://stytch.com/docs/api)
## Installation
The package can be installed by adding `stytch` to your list of
dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:stytch, "~> 0.1.0"}
## Configuration
To make API calls you need to configure your Stytch `project_id` and `secret`.
If you set the `STYTCH_PROJECT_ID` and `STYTCH_SECRET` environment variables
then they will be used.
You can also override the configuration in your application config:
config :stytch,
project_id: "my-project-id",
secret: "my-secret"
The default endpoint for API requests is https://test.stytch.com/v1 and in
prod environments is https://api.stytch.com/v1 but these can be
overridden by the `STYTCH_ENDPOINT` environment variable or `:endpoint`
config option.
## Documentation
The package docs can be found at <https://hexdocs.pm/stytch>.
The full Stytch API documentation can be found at <https://stytch.com/docs/api>.
## Examples
These examples use sandbox values provided by Stytch so will return a valid
response but won't actually send anything.
### Magic Links
email_id: "email-test-23873e89-d4ed-4e92-b3b9-e5c7198fa286",
request_id: "request-id-test-66d49012-2b36-4835-9093-2a51f4ba3570",
status_code: 200,
user_id: "user-test-e3795c81-f849-4167-bfda-e4a6e9c280fd"
### One-time Passcodes (OTP)
### Sessions
### Time-based one-time passcodes (TOTP)
## Handling errors
Succesful API calls return a `{:ok, map()}` response.
If the API returns an error you'll get a `{:error, map()}` response with
the error information:
error_message: "Session token format is invalid.",
error_type: "invalid_session_token",
error_url: "https://stytch.com/docs/api/errors/400",
request_id: "request-id-test-f64acf06-8a0a-4b45-9fbd-bfc3b5ca7f50",
status_code: 400