# Supabase Storage

This package provides a set of Elixir functions that integrate seamlessly with Supabase's Storage API, allowing developers to perform various operations on buckets and objects.

### Installation

To add this package to your project, include it in your mix.exs file:

def deps do
    {:supabase_storage, "~> 0.1"}

### Features

1. **Bucket Operations**: Easily create, list, empty, or remove buckets.
2. **Object Operations**:
   - Upload & Download objects.
   - Retrieve object information.
   - Move, copy, or remove objects.
   - Generate signed URLs for authenticated access.
   - Stream download operations for efficient memory usage.

### Usage

Here are some examples of how you can use this package:

#### Removing an object

Supabase.Storage.remove_object(conn, bucket, object)

#### Moving an object

Supabase.Storage.move_object(conn, bucket, object, destination)

#### Copying an object

Supabase.Storage.copy_object(conn, bucket, object, destination)

#### Uploading a file

Supabase.Storage.upload_object(conn, bucket, "avatars/some.png", "path/to/file.png")

#### Creating a signed URL

Supabase.Storage.create_signed_url(conn, bucket, "avatars/some.png", 3600)

### Permissions

Ensure that the appropriate policy permissions are set in Supabase to carry out the required operations. Refer to each method's documentation for detailed information on permissions.

### Contributing

We welcome contributions from the community! Please submit PRs for bug fixes, features, or any improvements.