# Supabase UI for Surface (WIP)

A component library for [Supabase]( and [Surface](

[Here]( you can find a demo application
using this project.

This library can be used in a
[Phoenix LiveView]( project
that uses Surface as a component library.
It provides components

- styled like the React components of [Supabase UI]( (it actually uses )
- implementing functionality to handle things like [authentication](

There are additional things, for example a [plug](
that checks the expiration time of an access_token stored in the session and
does a refresh if necessary.

## Installation

def deps do
    {:supabase_surface, github: "treebee/supabase-surface"}

You also have to add the JavaScript library as a dependency so that hooks and
other things are working:

// package.json
"dependencies": {
    "supabase_surface": "file:../deps/supabase_surface",

And for the styles, in case of a standard phoenix live view project:

/* app.scss */
@import "supabase_surface";

`supabase-surface` uses AlpineJS, so you will have to add

let liveSocket = new LiveSocket("/live", Socket, {
  dom: {
    onBeforeElUpdated(from, to){
      if(from.__x){ window.Alpine.clone(from.__x, to) }

to your `app.js`.

## Component Catalogue

You can also checkout the Repository and start the component catalogue to have live documentation:

    mix deps.get
    mix dev

    # or for another port

    PORT=4444 mix dev

## Credits

- **SupabaseUI**: we use a copy of CSS files and the TailwindCSS config
- **Surface**: used as the base component library; also directly copied some of the functionality
- **TailwindCSS** and **Heroicons** (with
- **AlpineJS**: to provide better UX for components like Dropdowns
- **Phoenix/LiveView**