# SuperCache

## Introduce

This is a auto scale & distributed (in the future) cache library for Elixir. The library use Ets table for storage data.

## Design

Client -> API -> Partition -> Storage

Current version, library has three main part:
1. API interface & config holder.
2. Partition holder.
3. Storage partition.
### API interface:

Client interacts with library throw qua api interface. All config after start will be hold in this part.

### Partition

Support api get right storage part for data. 

Partition based on Erlang phash2/2. Piece data after extract with config's info will get order of partition. Order is used get target partition.

All partitions will be calculated after client call start/n start!/n function.

### Storage

Storage data of client. Number of storage partition is same with number of partition above.

Core of storage is Ets table.

### call flow of api

Sequencer flow of api (on a node):

  participant Client
  participant Api
  participant Partition
  participant Storage

  Client->>Api: Add new tuple to cache
  Api->>Partition: Get partition
  Partition->>Api: Your partition
  Api->>Storage: Put new/update tuple
  Storage->>Api: Result
  Api->>Client: Result
  Client->>Api: Get data for key/pattern
  Api->>Partition: Get partition
  Partition->>Api: Your patition
  Api->>Storage: Get data for key/pattern
  Storage->>Api: Data for key
  Api->>Client: Your data

(If diagram doesn't show, please install mermaid support extension for VS Code)

Simple module flow api:

graph LR
Client(Client) --> Api(Api)
    Api-->|get partition|Part(Partition holder)
    Api-->|Partition1| E1(Partition Storage 1)
    Api-->|Partition2| E2(Partition Storage 2)

## Installation

Library can be installed
by adding `super_cache` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:super_cache, "~> 0.3.0"}

Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc](
and published on [HexDocs]( Once published, the docs can
be found at <>.

## Guide

Start SuperCache with default config:

*(key_pos = partition_pos = 0, table_type = :set, num_partition = on_line schedulers of Erlang VM)*

Start with config:

opts = [key_pos: 0, partition_pos: 1, table_type: :bag, num_partition: 3]


1. key_pos: Key's position of tuple use to lookup in Ets table.

2. partition_pos: Position of element in tuple is used to calculate partition for store & lookup.

3. table_type: Type of Ets table.

4. num_partition: Number of partitions (= number of Ets table).

Basic usage:

opts = [key_pos: 0, partition_pos: 1, table_type: :bag, num_partition: 3]

SuperCache.put!({:hello, :world, "hello world!"})

SuperCache.get_by_key_partition!(:hello, :world)

SuperCache.delete_by_key_partition!(:hello, :world)

Other APIs please go to document on