# Changelog
## v0.11.5 (2024-09-04)
* Support Liveview `~> 0.20.15` (#749)
## v0.11.4 (2024-04-09)
* Add support for Liveview `~> 0.20.10` (#743)
## v0.11.3 (2024-04-09)
* Restrict phoenix_live_view version up to `0.20.9` due to compatibility
issues introduced by phoenix_live_view `0.20.10` regarding debug annotations.
### Soft Deprecations
* `Link` has been deprecated in favor of liveview's built-in `<.link>`.
See <https://hexdocs.pm/phoenix_live_view/live-navigation.html> for more info.
## v0.11.2 (2024-02-19)
* Add support for Liveview >= `v0.20` (#714)
* Add support for debug annotations using liveview's `debug_heex_annotations` config.
* Avoid using deprecated `hidden_inputs_for` in `HiddenInputs` (#716)
* Update Tailwind patcher for phx_new >= 1.7.8 (#724)
* Add a Dockerfile patcher for `surface.init` (#727)
* Fix error related to `_persistent_id` (#716)
* Fix warning about negative steps in Elixir 1.16 (#718 and #722)
* Fix `Malformed HTML in rendered.js` error
* Fix error when passing special chars as literals inside an expression
### Soft Deprecations
* `LivePatch` and `LiveRedirect` have been deprecated in favor of liveview's built-in `<.link>`.
See https://hexdocs.pm/phoenix_live_view/live-navigation.html for more info.
* The `Form` component along with all form inputs will be moved to a separate project and
later deprecated in favor of their LiveView built-in counterparts.
* Scope-aware context as described in https://surface-ui.org/contexts#scope-aware-context will
be deprecaded and fully removed in `v0.13`. The reason is the lack of built-in support for the
feature in Liveview itself, which leads to inefficient diff-tracking when using it. Global context
related functions like `Context.put` and `Context.get`, as well as the `:from_context` option, will
be kept as their use don't affect diff-tracking negatively.
## v0.11.1 (2023-11-07)
* Warn when module given to `catalogue_test` doesn't exist or is not a component (#711)
* Fix `inputs_for/3` warnings (#703)
## v0.11.0 (2023-06-02)
* Add support for Liveview `v0.19` (#692)
* Fix `Context.get/put` in LiveComponent's `update` callback (#691)
* Fix issue when passing `css_class` props inside vanilla LV components' slots (#680)
## v0.10.0 (2023-04-18)
* Add support for Liveview `v0.18.8`
* Add support for Phoenix `v1.7`
* Introduce an optional `css_variant` option to `prop` and `data` to support auto-generation of CSS (tailwind)
variants based on their values
* Add `embed_sface/1` macro to allow adding `.sface` template as a function component
* Collect and generate `@import` entries from components to the top of the file to adhere to the CSS spec
* Fix CSS scope so it can be shared by all function components in the same module, avoiding unnecessary use of `:deep`
## v0.9.4 (2023-02-15)
* Update `phoenix_live_view` to `v0.18.14`
* Fix warnings on forms
* Fix warning on unknown props of function components
* Remove dependency on `Mix.env()` on re-compiling components at runtime
## v0.9.3 (2023-02-09)
* Fix error when trying to add the caller's scope_id attr to a MacroComponent
## v0.9.2 (2023-02-06)
* Compatibility with Liveview >= `v0.18.5`
* Optimize static props for diff tracking
* Fix child components' root DOM element not belonging to the parent's scope (#670)
* Fix missing shortdoc on `surface.init` prevents task discovery from `mix help` (#666)
## v0.9.1 (2022-09-26)
* Fix dialyzer errors
## v0.9.0 (2022-09-23)
* Support Liveview `v0.18`
## v0.8.4 (2022-09-26)
* Fix dialyzer errors
## v0.8.3 (2022-09-22)
* Add `:global` pseudo-class to the Scoped CSS's API
* Declare props `container`, `session` and `sticky` on `Surface.LiveView`
* Fix CSS tokenizer not handling empty strings
* Fix CSS parser for declarations with commas or variants
* Fix scoped styles on void elements
* Fix dialyzer issue in EExEngine (#655)
## v0.8.2 (2022-09-16)
* Remove compile-time deps from components, avoiding unnecessary recompilation
of extra files due to transitive deps (#653)
* Fix components oversized beam files (#651)
* Fix error on layout templates containing `<style>`
## v0.8.1 (2022-09-02)
* Fix surface compiler when setting a different `css_output_file` (#646)
* Fix formatter for `:debug`
## v0.8.0 (2022-09-01)
* Support scoped CSS styles for components using either inline `<style>` tags or colocated
`.css` files (#621)
* Add `render_sface/1` to allow overriding `render/1` and compute/update assigns when using
external `.sface` files
* Add `--tailwind` option to `mix surface.init` to bootstrap a project with TailwindCSS support
* Add `--layouts` option to `mix surface.init` to replace `.heex` layout files with corresponding
`.sface` files
* Add `--web-module` option to `mix surface.init` to override the default web module (#638)
* Support using the `:hook` directive to point to the `default` hook exported in the `.hooks.js` file
* Add option `from_context` to `prop` and `data` to allow setting values directly from the context
* Add `Context.put/3` and `Context.get/2` to allow manipulating the context inside
lifecycle callbacks and `render/1`
* Add prop `context_put` to `<#slot>` to pass context values directly to a slot without propagating
context values to other components
* Add config `:propagate_context_to_slots` to restrict context propagatiion, optimizing diff tracking
* Add functions `Context.copy_assign/3`, `Context.maybe_copy_assign/3` and `Context.maybe_copy_assign!/3`
* Add `catalogue_test/1` macro to generate basic tests for catalogue examples and playgrounds
* Add module `Surface.Catalogue.Examples` to allow defining multiple stateless examples
in a single module
* Support editing slot values as text in playgrounds (Catalogue)
* Fix context propagation in dynamic components
* Fix context propagation in recursive components
* New API for Slot arguments and generator (#613)
### Deprecations
* Deprecate `<InputContext>` in favor of declarative option `from_context`
* Slots (#613)
* Option `:args` has been deprecated, use
* `slot arg: :string` instead of `slot args: [:name]`
* `slot arg: %{name: :string, age: number}` instead of `slot args: [:name, :age]`
* Attribute `for` has been deprecated, use `<#slot {@header}>` instead of`<#slot for={@header}>`
* Attributes `name` and `index` have been deprecated, use `<#slot {col}>` instead of`<#slot name={"col"} index={index}>`
* Directive `:args` has been deprecated, use
* `<#slot {@default, name}>` instead of `<#slot :args={name: name}>`
* `<#slot {@default, name: name, age: age}>` instead of `<#slot :args={name: name, age: age}>`
### Breaking Changes
* Drop support for Elixir < `v1.12`
* Context values are no longer automatically propagated through slots. Components that need to
pass values to the parent scope via slots must explicitly set `propagate_context_to_slots: true`
in their configuration
* Slots (#613)
* New option `:generator_prop` use `slot default, generator_prop: :items` instead of `slot default, args: [item: ^items]`, associated prop `:items` must be of type `:generator`
* New attribute `generator_value` use `<#slot generator_value={item} />` instead of `<#slot :args={item: item} />`
* `<#template slot="slot_name">` has been removed in favor of `<:slot_name>` (#575)
## v0.7.6 (2022-09-05)
* Support Elixir `v1.14`
## v0.7.5 (2022-07-21)
* Support using vanilla phoenix function components with slots in surface templates
## v0.7.4 (2022-04-18)
* Optimize the surface compiler for assets generation
* Improve support for JS hooks in umbrella projects (#591)
* Suppress `Mix.Tasks.Format` behaviour warning on Elixir < `v0.13`
## v0.7.3 (2022-03-18)
* Fix loading component prop's default values
## v0.7.2 (2022-03-17)
* Support more extensions other than `.js` as colocated hooks (`jsx`, `ts` and `tsx`) (#576)
* Update the `surface.init` task to set up the catalogue to `v0.4`
## v0.7.1 (2022-02-17)
* Fix wrong target handling in forms
* Fix setting `@moduledoc false` in catalogue examples (#565)
* Support Inputs' property `for` as string (#564)
## v0.7.0 (2022-01-13)
* Support Liveview `v0.17`
* Support rendering `.sface` templates for regular (dead) views (#543)
* Support passing properties to slots using the shorthand format, e.g. `<:col label="Name">`
* Add built-in formatter supporting integration with `mix format` (#535)
* New `<LiveComponent>` component to inject dynamic live components (#518)
* Optimize rendering of HTML class attributes literals so they can be treated as static text
* Add property `for` to `<#slot/>` so it can render the slot content directly (without using `index`)
## v0.6.1 (2021-10-26)
* Add `surface_formatter` dependency to `mix.exs` when running `mix surface.init` (#507)
* Allow `Inputs` component inside the `Field` component (#492)
* Fix using context with external `.sface` templates (#511)
* Fix attribute name conversion (#512)
## v0.6.0 (2021-10-21)
* Compatibility with Phoenix `v1.6` and Liveview `v0.16`
* New `mix surface.init` task
* Add support for function components
* Add support for dynamic function components via `<Component>`
* Add support for recursive function components
* Optimize change tracking for contexts
* Fix race condition when compiling tests
* Fix recompilation of used components
## v0.5.1 (2021-07-13)
* Add property `values` to form inputs
* Handle doctype as text
* Improve error message when `default_translator` is not configured for `ErrorTag` (#449)
* Raise on invalid attribute/directive in `<#slot>` (#456)
* Raise error on `{#case}` without `{#match}` (#443)
* Raise on blocks without expression
* Fix error line on missing closing tag
## v0.5.0 (2021-06-17)
* Add `<:slotname>` shorthand for `<#template slot="slotname">`
* Introduce block expressions for surface templates (e.g., `{#if}..{/if}`)
* Introduce `{#if}` block expression with support for `{#elseif}` and `{#else}` sub blocks
* Introduce `{#for}` block expression with support for `{#else}` sub block
* Introduce `{#unless}` block expression
* Introduce new shorthand notation for dynamic attributes/props using the `{... }` tagged expression
* Introduce new shorthand notation for attribute assignment using the `{= }` tagged expression
* Support private comments using `{!-- --}` for comments that are not supposed to hit the browser
* Introduce `s-` prefix as an alternative to `:` for directives (i.e. `s-if` and `:if` are now equivalent)
* Introduce `:values` directive for generating multiple `phx-value-` attributes
* Added a convert task to aid migrating to the new syntax
* Evaluate literal attribute values at compile time instead of runtime
* Fix compile error when using single quotes as attribute value delimiters
* Add `quote_surface/2` macro to generate Surface AST from template snippets.
### Breaking Changes
* Replace the sigil `~H` with `~F` to avoid conflict with `HEEx`
* Replace interpolation delimiters `{{` and `}}` with `{` and `}`
* Remove support for interpolation inside `<style>...</style>` and `<script>...</script>` nodes
* ErrorTag: Renamed prop `phx_feedback_for` to `feedback_for`
* Slot directive `:props` has been renamed to `:args`
* Option `:props` for the `slot/2` macro has been renamed to `:args`
* The use of `<template>` has been removed in favor of `<#template>`
* The use of `<slot>` has been removed in favor of `<#slot>`
* The use of `<If>` has been removed in favor of `{#if}...{/if}`
* The use of `<For>` has been removed in favor of `{#for}...{/for}`
* `MacroComponent.eval_static_props!/3` evaluates and returns only props with option `static: true`
### Deprecations
* Support for passing non-string attribute values as literals (i.e. `selected=true` or `tabindex=3`) has been removed.
Any non-string value should be passed as an expression (i.e. `selected={true}`)
## v0.4.1 (2021-05-26)
* Fix warning on Phoenix Live View >= 1.15.6
## v0.4.0 (2021-05-01)
* Call render when defined in slotable components (#283)
* Support defining form fields as strings. Consequently, fields defined as literal strings will
no longer be auto-converted to `:atom` and will keep the original value (#319)
* Deprecate auto-conversion of attribute values passed as string literals into atoms
* Do not encode HTML entities when passing attribute values as string literals (#323)
* Extract the Markdown macro component in its repository (#316)
* Renamed `Surface.Components.Button` to `Surface.Components.Link.Button` (#350)
## v0.3.2 (2021-03-19)
* Warn if prop is required and has default value (#282)
* Warn if slot is required and has a fallback content (#296)
* Warn on `LiveComponent` with another `LiveComponent` as root
* Support escaped three double-quotes in `Markdown` content
* Improve `Label` component compatibility with Phoenix `label/2` (#284)
* Update props according to new types (#297)
* Fix copying JS hooks multiple times (#294)
## v0.3.1 (2021-03-05)
* Fix `index.js` generation when no hooks are available
* Fix loading hooks from dependencies
* Support `<Link>` with scheme (#273)
## v0.3.0 (2021-02-24)
* Autoload JS hooks via new surface compiler (#271)
* New `<Link>` and `<Label>` implementation without depending on `content_tag` to allow receiving
child components in slots (#264)
* Don't validate undefined assigns outside render (#263)
* Load subject's default props values before sending them to playgrounds
## v0.2.1 (2021-02-01)
* Allow different catalogue options for examples and playgrounds
## v0.2.0 (2021-01-27)
* Introduce new testing API using `render_surface/1`
* Add experimental support to create examples and playgrounds for catalogues
* Raises compile error if slots are not declared
* Raises compile error on duplicate built-in assign
* Allow defining the assign name for slot through the :as option (#230)
* Implement the `:show` directive via hidden attribute (#244)
* Add new `<DateSelectComponent>` component
* Remove default value from `Form` method prop
* Reintroduce opts prop for the `<Select>` component
* Fix markdown syntax warning in `<Form>` docs
* Fix error when using :if + :props in slots (#224)
* Fix line offset when using single-line `~H` variants (#246)
* Fix UnicodeConversionError when using string literals inside interpolation
## v0.1.1 (2020-11-28)
* Add explicit props for the main opts of Checkbox, Select, MultipleSelect, FileInput and Form (#215).
* Add new `slot_assigned?/1` macro to check if a slot has been filled in (#211).
* Fix attribute value encoding
## v0.1.0 (2020-11-23)
* Update liveview to v0.15
* Add new `Surface.Components.Form.ErrorTag` to render error messages in forms (#199).
* Disable validation for required props if `:props` is passed (#204)
## v0.1.0-rc.2 (2020-11-04)
* Update liveview to latest v0.15-dev (f986171)
* New wrapper components `Surface.Components.{For, If}` for when the `:for` and `:if` directives aren't sufficient (#184)
* Allow double braces within interpolation (#171)
* Add new `Surface.Components.FieldContext` to support form fields without wrapping divs (#172)
* Improve error message for unloaded modules (#174)
* Fix issue with `:for` modifiers on components (#176)
* Expose form instance as slot prop on `Surface.Components.Form` (#183)
* Don't initialize data assigns without default value (#195)
## v0.1.0-rc.1 (2020-10-21)
* Fix support for Elixir >= v1.11
* Update liveview to latest v0.15-dev (597c5dd)
* Add undefined assign check for `Surface.{LiveComponent,Component,LiveView}`
* New form controls wrappers: `<DateTimeSelect>` and `<TimeSelect>`.
* Force recompilation of the parent component after fixing errors on any of its children.
## v0.1.0-rc.0 (2020-10-06)
* Update LiveView to v0.15-dev (0f592a4).
* Make `<slot>` mandatory instead of `inner_content`.
* Add attribute `index` to `<slot>` to allow rendering individual named slot items.
* Rename macro `property` to `prop`.
* Remove macro `context` and add a `<Context>` component to be used instead.
* Rename directives `:on-phx-[event]` to `:on-[event]`.
* Add support for co-located template files using `.sface` suffix.
* Add `Surface.init/1` to initialize internal assigns when not using `Surface.LiveView`.
* Add `:props` directive to pass dynamic props to a component.
* Add `:attrs` directive to pass dynamic attributes to a tag.
* Add new modifiers `index` and `with_index` for `:for`.
* Update html tag generation to remove the tag if it's value computes to `nil`.
* Add support for a `transform/1` callback to allow components to manipulate its
own node at compile-time.
* New form controls: `<Inputs>`, `<Checkbox>`, `<Select>`, `<MultipleSelect>`,
`<HiddenInputs>`, `<FileInput>` and `<OptionsForSelect>`.
## v0.1.0-alpha.2 (2020-06-09)
* New Markdown component
* New Link component
* New form components Form, Field, TextArea, Label, TextInput, RadioButton,
HiddenInput, ColorInput, DateInput, DateTimeLocalInput, EmailInput, NumberInput,
PasswordInput, RangeInput, SearchInput, TelephoneInput, TimeInput, UrlInput,
Reset and Submit.
* Automatically define a required :id property for live components that implement
* New config API for components
* Update LiveView to v0.13
## v0.1.0-alpha.1 (2020-04-13)
* Add support for slots
* Add built-in LivePath and LiveRedirect components
* Drop automatic camel-to-kebab conversion for CSS class name
* Drop support for `inner_content.()`. Use `inner_content.([])` instead
* Update LiveView to v0.11.1
## v0.1.0-alpha.0 (2020-02-26)
* Initial alpha release