# SurfaceFormatter

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A code formatter for

The complete documentation for SurfaceFormatter is located [here](

## Installation

Add as a dependency in `mix.exs`:

defp deps do
    {:surface_formatter, "~> 0.6.0"}

## Usage

$ mix surface.format

See `mix surface.format` for documentation of flags and configuration options.

## Formatting rules

The formatter mostly follows these rules:

- Only formats code inside of `~F"""` blocks and `.sface` files.
- Child nodes are typically indented 2 spaces in from their parent.
- Interpolated Elixir code (inside `{ }` brackets) is formatted by the
  [official Elixir formatter](!/2).
- HTML attributes are put on separate lines if the line is too long.
- Retains "lack of whitespace" such as `<p>No whitespace between text and tags</p>`.
- Collapses extra newlines down to at most one blank line.

See `Surface.Formatter.format_string!/2` for further documentation.

## Example at a glance

Out of the box, Surface code that looks like this:

 <RootComponent with_many_attributes={ true } causing_this_line_to_wrap={ true} because_it_is_too_long={ "yes, this line is long enough to wrap" }>
   <!--   HTML public comment (hits the browser)   -->
   {!--   Surface private comment (does not hit the browser)   --}

   <div :if={ @show_div }
       <p> Text inside paragraph    </p>
    <span>Text touching parent tags</span>

<Child  items={[%{name: "Option 1", key: 1}, %{name: "Option 2", key:  2},    %{name: "Option 3", key: 3}, %{name: "Option 4", key: 4}]}>
  Default slot contents

will be formatted like this:

  because_it_is_too_long="yes, this line is long enough to wrap"
  <!-- HTML public comment (hits the browser) -->
  {!-- Surface private comment (does not hit the browser) --}

  <div :if={@show_div} class="container">
      Text inside paragraph
    <span>Text touching parent tags</span>

  <Child items={[
    %{name: "Option 1", key: 1},
    %{name: "Option 2", key: 2},
    %{name: "Option 3", key: 3},
    %{name: "Option 4", key: 4}
    Default slot contents

## Formatting `.sface` files

If your project includes `.sface` files, use the `:surface_inputs` option (instead of `:inputs`) in
`.formatter.exs` to specify patterns for files containing Surface code.

Without `:surface_inputs`, the formatter falls back to `:inputs`.
Including `.sface` files in `:inputs` causes `mix format` to crash.

# Example .formatter.exs preventing `mix format` from crashing on .sface files
  surface_line_length: 120,
  import_deps: [:ecto, :phoenix, :surface],
  inputs: ["*.{ex,exs}", "priv/*/seeds.exs", "{config,lib,test}/**/*.{ex,exs}"],
  surface_inputs: ["{lib,test}/**/*.{ex,sface}"],
  subdirectories: ["priv/*/migrations"]